The goal of this Hearthstone Shudderwock Shaman OTK combo deck is to use Faceless Lurker combined with Crazed Alchemist and Leatherclad Hogleader! We do this by playing Faceless Lurker as many times as possible with cards like Baleful Banker, Bog Slosher, Zola the Gorgon, and Barista Lynchen. Then, during the game we play Leatherclad Hogleader and Siamat. Finally, on the combo turn we play Murmuring Elemental, Shudderwock, Beaming Sidekick, and Crazed Alchemist for the OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
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Brendan Long
Joe Smith
Alyssa Guerrero
Bagus Tuladanny
Bernardo Sabbag
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#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy
crazy thing is that the only way to survive this is by also playing shudderwock but with the battlecry deathrattle armor deck lol.
Ress priest: full board of taunts
Mark: hmmmmmmmmm
I started making vids recently I’m posting video’s every weekend please help me too
Wait. I don't understand. Why do you need beaming sidekick
Wait. There is no "trade in 2020?" in this video, maybe its a bug
Not sure if you can count, but 6 digits is only 500k damage. Good try tho
how does the shudder have charge?
Im waiting for the day where one of marks decks becomes the meta, and what a day that would be…."i only have 2,000,000 armor but i need to get another 25000 as the opponent has played 7 lurkers so far" it would be amazing if people would actually put that sort of thing into their game play calculations!
linecracker druid crying seeing this
Nice!) As usual! 🙂
Still doesn't win against Dane's 65m armor druid before turn limit or fatigue
Mark is our professor in Battlecry Alchemy. I am completely lost in the Shudderwock mathematics.
Shudderwock: 526,884 Damage
Mark: 1 miLLiOn dAmaGe
For real tho great combo
Mark! I (and most other viewers) challenge you to try this in a friendly match against Dane’s linecracker druid
why is the 1/2 minion that gives 2+ hp at the end necessary tho?
This is the pian of 1m armor druid
The deck name XD
Um dos melhores criadores de jogadas do HS, uma pena ter poucos likes, pra mim você merecia estar entre os tops jogadores do youtube. Obrigado por mais um video mark.
Literally every comment: armor Druid eat your heart out
Only one million… pfft. 😛
The only counter to million armor druid
7:50 Dude you JUST got a taunt totem. I like your decks and stuff but sometimes you're just whining/salty for no reason.