100% Winrate DESTROYS The Meta | Totem Shaman | Hearthstone

What are the Hearthstone Best Decks? Today, the Deck is Hearthstone Highlander Shaman. Ashes of Outlands had a new class, Hearthstone Totem Shaman and new metas. I hope you enjoy this Totem Shaman Gameplay.

If you are reading this you are amazing and I appreciate you and all the support 🙂

I play most of the tier 1 and 2 decks, put my own spin on them and teach you How To Play Hearthstone and get to Legend or whatever rank you want to get to.

Mon-Friday 9am — 2pm PST
Weekends Will be a surprise depending on how busy I am.




Second Channel:

Demon Hunter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_DH/
Druid: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Druid/
Hunter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Hunter/
Mage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Mage/
Paladin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Paladin/
Priest: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Priest/
Rogue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Rogue/
Shaman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Shaman/
Warlock: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warlock/
Warrior: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warrior/


Music: Prefekt — Numb Ft. Johnning
Link: https://youtu.be/GX5e6ex7KIE
Released by JompaMusic Records: https://soundcloud.com/jompamusic



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18 thoughts on “100% Winrate DESTROYS The Meta | Totem Shaman | Hearthstone

  1. Murlocs > totems. 2-0 against Shaman (granted, don't know what kind of shaman, because who can really tell, they play so much diff stuff) to get to D5.

  2. That was pretty good, I've been facing a lot more shaman on ladder. I'm so glad the meta is everywhere right now, and I don't just see demon hunter ever match.

  3. How to get Legend in 3 easy steps?
    1. Watch this video.
    2. Craft this deck.
    3. Play!
    This deck is really DESTROYING the meta. I just hit Legend. 80% WR (12-3). Thanks man!!
    Bonus steps: Like and suscribe!

  4. The more I watch you the more I like you. I think you have a great capacity of anylising situations and having a larger vision of the game, and when you make mistakes you just say it. Well done sir !

  5. Does 1 lightning storm work in this deck incase I go agianst other aggresive decks?

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