2 Tips To Help YOU Get Legend in Standard Hearthstone

In this video, I give you 2 tips to help you understand hearthstone and achieve the rank of legend. The tips include focusing on a couple decks and how this will improve your gameplay in hearthstone and how to actively learn by watching grandmasters and hearthstone streamers.

The discord link is fixed!!!

#hearthstone #ashesofoutlands #getlegend

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14 thoughts on “2 Tips To Help YOU Get Legend in Standard Hearthstone

  1. Awesome tips, worst thing to do is to not know you deck and play randomly. For example I saw a warrior risky skippering to gain armor when I still had glowfly in hand

  2. I loved this video. I think something else that would help me would be learning when to trade or go face. I am consistently stuck between Diamond 5-2 and know it’s because I still make poor decisions that cost me the game. Also your mulligan guides have been helpful so I appreciate it.

  3. hit gold to diamond rank in one day with demon hunter and was my first time playing demon hunter

  4. newb question Rarran — can you write out the names of some of the best streamers we should follow? Perhaps this could be its own video?? Would be a huge help thx man

  5. I'm already legend so I can play what ever I want 🙂 but oh wait I dont have the dust 🙁

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