5 Fantastic Budget Decks To Try! Ashes Of Outlands | Hearthstone

Ashes of Outlands Expansion brings New Budget Decks to the scene! This guide is for those returning and newer players wanting to craft a solid budget deck that will get you those sweet wins.

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#Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Deck Codes ►

Combo Demon Hunter Deck Guide — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu9xq5XRDIo

Demon Hunter Code AAECAea5AwKuugPMugMOh7oDi7oDyboD17sD4LwDx8YD2cYD1MgD1cgD98gD+cgDnMkD29MD3dMDAA==

Face Hunter Deck Guide Coming Soon!

Face Hunter Code AAECAR8AD6gCtQPJBJIF7Qb+DOyWA/OnA/uvA/yvA4WwA864A6S5A/a6A/+6AwA=

Murloc Shaman

Spell Druid Deck Guide Coming Soon!

Spell Druid Code AAECAZICAuYFrroDDv4B9wPEBuQIuZQDw5QD05wD4p8D26UD5boD6LoD7LoD7roD77oDAA=

Galakrond Zoo Deck Guide — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9iCzG_aunY

Galakrond Zoo Code AAECAf0GAooH8b8DDjCjAcIIiJ0D/aQDnakD6KwD6qwD+a4D/q4Dqq8D068DtbkDtrkDAA==


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15 thoughts on “5 Fantastic Budget Decks To Try! Ashes Of Outlands | Hearthstone

  1. I just asked for this fiew minutes ago on your last vid, you are reading my mind. Love your vids 😁

  2. There are things that are cool and things that are not cool. Demon hunter is cool. People complaining are not cool.

  3. One savage roar in the Druid deck seems less crazy when you see that Fr0zen is also only playing one savage roar in grandmasters.

  4. what do you think about murloc paladin? its pretty reliable rn in ladder. managed to reach diamond 5 with it from platinum 5

  5. for prime zixor and the 5/2 lion with all the deathrattles like the 5 mana dragon egg

  6. To clarify some things(mainly for the new players), the demon hunter deck you will need 560 dust to craft the rare cards skull of guldan/Inprisoned antaen and the common cards immolation aura/spectral sight. Also to unlock galakrond for all classes you need to purchase 1 galakrond card pack, so those who are just starting out, when you get your first 100 coin, i would recommend doing that asap!! Thanks Shack for all your insight and decks!

  7. Thanks for the decks, which budget deck do you recommend vs priest? I dont care if i lose every game, i just want to beat priest

  8. Finally! Someone who thinks that DH is a new class so it'll definitely be played. Keep up the dope content man!

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