5Head Maeiev Plays: Sleeper OP?!  | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

New Maiev hot or not? Let’s find out!


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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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43 thoughts on “5Head Maeiev Plays: Sleeper OP?! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. I suggest you watch Trump's Battlegrounds videos at twice the normal speed to reduce anxiety.

  2. The new hero power lets you level every turn and not fall too far behind because you get a free minion with +1/+1 every turn

  3. It's funny because thanks to this buff Maeiev is actually now a tier 2 hero
    So she is no longer the joke she used to be

  4. Nadine the red: I’m too powerful you can’t stop me

    Edwin: No, but he can

    Dragon spawn lieutenant joins the battle

  5. He should have put his divine shield dragon first, he’s losing value and it cost him the last round.

  6. Edwin is truly a criminal mastermind.
    Did you know he used to be a construction worker?

  7. In the late game, I use the hero power a lot to mess with my opponent's builds. Won with dragons against beasts with a triple Baron and a Goldrin in hand. (He had simple Goldrin and Baron). It only costed me 4 gold in total, I think it is a good idea.

  8. I complain about Trump making so many mistakes and yet he has more MMR than me ATM feels bad.

  9. Can you stop waiting until the last 3 seconds to make your plays (you do this ALOT). Watching you run out of time isn’t enjoyable to see.

  10. This is the same man that thought selling the main minion was smarter than selling the token because he might get chadgar or bran forcing him to sell two minions just to make a gold token.

  11. But since when do we trust Trump laboratories? Unless what you want to do is blow your house, that's it.

  12. You shoud realy take a bath before you straem.Your hair i like you haven't washed it in 4-5 days..The unwashed maaaan…

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