Aggro Secret Rogue | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

I didn’t like the idea of Secrets in a Galakrond deck, so I wanted to try pure aggro.

Deck Code: AAECAaIHBIwCsgK5uAP7xAMNngGzAbQBiAePlwP7ogP/pQP1pwO6tgPMuQPOuQPQuQO5vgMA

00:00 Deck
02:28 Shaman
03:55 Tempo Demon Hunter
08:45 Galakrond Rogue
14:05 Quest Druid
18:54 Highlander Mage


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42 thoughts on “Aggro Secret Rogue | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone


  2. One day I hope to face chump on ladder. The match will end up on YouTube. He will call me an idiot.
    And it will be amazing.

  3. Whirlkick master: Doesnt exist

    Chump: Im about to start this mans whole career🤣

  4. The new end theme makes me anticipate a text only epilogue that narrates the offscreen fate of certain subjects.

    For instance; “After a win loss record of 2/32, Chump vowed to never to play aggro secret rogue ever again; he dusted the jewelmaker from his collection once and for all.”

    Or “So drew a close the year of the Raven. The stars would fall into retrograde. Gone but not forgotten. RIP sweet prince.” Then like a star aligner portrait obituary with 2018-2020 underneath- “The stars align.” Fade to black.

  5. Have you tried preparation in this deck? Seems good for playing secrets with early cards and all of your 2 mana spells.

  6. 4:51, wudnt weapon hit face into double 3/3 be better, u end up with a 1/1 weapon in hand as opposed to his play

  7. Surprised we didn't really see Hanar go nuts here, that card has actually felt insanely powerful for me. Almost every single game where I've stuck a Hanar without dying it's gone on to literally carry me for the rest of the match, maybe my luck has been insane but I think it's just really fucking difficult for people to play around every secret in the game while you constantly generate free value and tempo every turn.

  8. Please god someone get Chump a half million subs. It feels criminal to not have to pay for this much entertainment.

  9. "Probably shouldn't just eviscerate his face here, as i would enjoy it"
    -Chump 2020

  10. He think he is smart by playing hanar and call the others idiots.. you can see it at his face.. what a loser

  11. Hey Chump in that second game on turn 2 you could have daggered and hit him in the face and then play both felwings for free

  12. I actually hoped you would make a dedicated Whirlkick Master deck someday, but I guess this is close enough.

  13. Not sure if you take deck requests but I've been playing this secret tempo mage list. Have around 60-65% winrate. The Starscryers don't feel too good and I feel like flame ward or ice barrier could be important but other than that I think it's solid as it can get. Puzzlebox is in there to skillfully make a comeback if the game goes a bit too long.

  14. Whirlkick master sucks 😂 it adds nothing. Anyone got any better suggestions??

  15. Would it be possible to make some tempo rogue deck with cards like SI7: Infiltrator, Jack Black Stunner, Kidnapper and Saps? Some return to your hand deck?

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