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Thank you to all of Alliestrasza’s fans, followers, and donors.
Video Production by Allie and Mason
#Alliestrasza #Hearthstone #ScholomanceAcademy #ReactionVideo
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0:14 Skipperino Allierino
I like the singing in this one, way better than Ashes
SCHOLOMANCE HYPE! love the new cards, dual class cards and spellburst! Looks very fun and I hope it will make a huge impact! Looking forward to it!
Ik you would react that way seeing Lightning Bloom. It was weird seeing Trump be like “it’s meh,” when one of the decks in the meta revolves around Mountseller and cost spells lmao
Congrats on 100k
Waiting to see her reaction on the 1 mana broom minion that gives all other friendly minions rush.
You know what lads, I think rattlegore is going to be the most played card of all time. Definitely top tier. I’m just surprised that the devs released such a broken card.
Marry me, Allie! I can cook spaghetti!
I hope the new game mode is a 2 vs 2.
Hey folks! This is the first time I've done a "reaction" video, but I plan to do more official card reviews for this expansion — just a heads up!
Big warrior , spell shaman , spell/beast druid , tempo priest and pure pally are the only scholomance meta decks i can think of for the moment