EXPAND FOR DECK CODE & LINKS ALWAYS LACKEY! Can GALAKROND Revive ZOO WARLOCK? | Ashes of Outland | Wild Hearthstone Like and …
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EXPAND FOR DECK CODE & LINKS ALWAYS LACKEY! Can GALAKROND Revive ZOO WARLOCK? | Ashes of Outland | Wild Hearthstone Like and …
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Last time i was this early Roffle still had a job.
greetings roffle, what are your dog's names officially, only heard about them here and there
You look good in black
you played discard warlock, i got almost the same deck. I know the feeling when you discarding the doomguards.
What happened? Well you had double time, and you had double pay…
Hey Roffle it’s good to see another video. I really needed some distractions from life…
This deck contains standard cards except kobold librarian and nerubian egg. Not WILD enough roffle
One of these days you’re gonna miss-click those baits 😂 and actually POF your board
Pirate paladin? Maybe a fun deck idea idk
Honestly roffle I can't play hearthstone rn but I'm glad your enjoying it
Should have played lackey/plague before the Teron so you have a 3/4 instead of a 2/2 in the last game.
6:26 actually, there was a lethal, that being tap into siamat for rush windfury. You are however forgiven since there was no way to know you'd draw the siamat….. or that you had a siamat for that matter.
Is this deck strong
I'm wondering?
Awesome deck
Feels like Descent of Dragons is the latest expansion and we are playing zoolock in standard
Huh where are the wild cards??? Its a standard deck
Imagine if Warlock had Rogues Galakrond. This deck would be crazy xD
This deck surely wasn’t LACKEY-Ing in minions
30:53 why not rat -> lackey -> plague -> teron gorfiend
The Demon hunter players actually think that warglaives has inmune in it or what? They trade like health doesn’t matter
359th like, aaaaah almost a full turn
Phyrexian Obliterator FTW
What's the quest mode logo on the top left corner all about?
Rafaam. Possibly the best legends ever in Rise of Shadows. Because.
EVIL Recruiter: "It's your lucky day."
Thekan: "OUR lucky day."
Chat, its your lackey day!
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