An Even Deck In Standard | Even Demon Hunter | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

A 1-cost Hero Power means no Odd Cards.

Part 1:

Deck Code: AAECAea5AwKdAdrGAw6EtgOLugPJugO9uwPXuwOcvAPgvAONvQOZvQPZxgOExwP/yAPb0wP41gMA

00:00 Enrage Warrior
05:39 Highlander Paladin
10:22 Galakrond Priest
15:34 Totem Shaman
19:54 Wrap-up


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20 thoughts on “An Even Deck In Standard | Even Demon Hunter | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAea5AwKdAdrGAw6EtgOLugPJugO9uwPXuwOcvAPgvAONvQOZvQPZxgOExwP/yAPb0wP41gMA

  2. This was uploaded 20 minutes ago and I was too busy making my stupid mac and cheese so I missed first comment

  3. It kinda sucks that Gen literally does nothing for DH. Obviously a 0 mana hero power would have been broken, but they could have given it SOME effect. Maybe upgrade it to a Druid hero power?

  4. Best part of chump videos is having volume full blast cause the videos so quiet and dying every time an ad comes on.

  5. Idea: "Pretend" the Demon Hunter hero power costs 2 mana and see how many games you win as a tempo demon hunter.

  6. Not even going to play demon hunter for a year2, class is broken garbage. 3 nerfs and still tier 1. WTF blizzard

  7. I know it’s not meta and that it is hard to play competitively but can you please do an evolve shaman ? But like kind of mix it with totems, so like, early game all about totems and then late game cards will be about generating minions that u can then evolve

    So kinda like it is an evolve shaman, but late game ? Idk, maybe it’s stupid but at the same time the evolving would be there to keep the board alive. Instead of them dying, they would just evolve.

    Instead of value evolve shaman it would be more of a evolve to keep my late game board full

  8. Replaced lord of the arena with aldrachi warblades. Insane 2 turn combo with skull of guldan into blades and inner demon that heal huge. Takes away the meme of even but i figured one card that deals 10+ and heals 10+ is worth it. Give it a try

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