An Extremely Fast Golden Lightfang Carries a Game | Dogdog Hearthstone Battlegrounds

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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #dogdog


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23 thoughts on “An Extremely Fast Golden Lightfang Carries a Game | Dogdog Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. extemely fast is 3 people dead 2 people on there last legs…and the match is half over….that is extremely fast?

  2. I like how you played the YouTube outro music early to BM your opponent :>

  3. Dont deserve gold LF just after smack talking it smh. I buy lightfang everytime I see it out of respect. Yeah my rank isn't very good

  4. I subbed so I wouldn't be part of your 72%. You show up in my recommended enough that I never even noticed.

  5. "Salad isn't satisfying." I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're eating the wrong kind of salad.

  6. Dogs chat is consistently the most tryhard wannabe pro chat out there lol. How do they make so many useless comments

  7. The guy at 0:39 on the very bottom: What hero is that, and what is his hero power?:)

    Note: This guy was the first dead in the lobby.

  8. Jesus, golden Lightfang into both cleaves, bronze warden, and double Mackerel? What the hell

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