ASSASSIN + MENAGERIE = WIN! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — This chosen build can actually use the Battlegrounds assassin!
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45 thoughts on “ASSASSIN + MENAGERIE = WIN! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. The lags probably disguised toast doing something along the lines of his ice cream shaman again

  2. 15:50 selling two branns and the egg (his only mech) on a golden lightfang MENAGERIE build in favor of baron and spawn?? Holy sh*t that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen

  3. “I’ve been banned for three years I don’t even know what I did”

    Kripp: oh, well don’t do it again 4Head

  4. Kripp must be tired. Does intro to one of his thousand games that used Zapp. Finds game where he has a Zapp at the end. Oh I guess it's that one, tags the game. Wrong game.

  5. I swear, people must see it's Kripp and just throw their Spawns at him to appease the gods of salt. Whenever I play Rafaam, it's like, "here, have a token, fuck you".

  6. How long does it take to get good at battlegrounds if you never even played hearthstone before and to learn all the heroes/cards/synergies/positioning I'm a newbie my favorite game is slay the spire so I figured I would give hearthstone a shot Its definitely alot of fun

  7. Can anyone confirm this? When an opponent Reno uses their hero power will it show as used to everyone else? For example at 9:21 Kripp mentions the triple Brann, but it shows the hero power as usable. I just want to know if that would indicate Reno got a natural triple or if the hero power was used. Thanks!

  8. Kripp's manner of speech sounds more eloquent and profound when he's sleepy tired and slightly buzzed.

  9. So… he plays menagerie, buys zap in the last battle to counter a specific opponent, and the result is…. hey guys, playing menagerie + assassin is really good… it didn't make sense to me at video beginning, and it doesn't make sense after.

  10. Whan I saw the thumbnail I though "wow, is the Rabid saurolisk good in late game with menagerie?, I want to watch how is better than other beast". In the video sell it and keep Ghastcoiler: "hmm, that's make sense", this was disappointment.
    Rafaam is so stupidly OP that killing minions before Spawn of N'zoth die is bad, holy shit.

  11. 0:28
    Kripp: "They need LOTS of sluts! […] but if you have an EMPTY slut!…"
    I couldn't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂 omg I'm such a child, I'm sorry x'd

  12. I love you Kripp and I can understand brain farts; but why not zapp first in that last battle? Seriously, I'd like to know what you were thinking.

  13. I think it's funny how when things are going bad he is super salty but when things go his way he couldn't be prouder and giggles like a kid

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