Hearthstone Battlegrounds — If it works, it works.
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
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I swear kripp complains more and more these days
4:40 "Two matches in a row where we lose a game we can win".
First match 9% win chance
Second match 0% win chance
kripp played murloc 6 times in the last 10 videos
9:51, ehm… that's not what I would call a "revenge" considering the other battle with jaraxxus.
Its not a Kripparian game if is not complaining about something 😂😂
The game begins and Kripp doesn't force murlocs PogChamp
I have an idea for a really cool mech card. It would be a Tavern 6 minion, and it would be a 6/6 that says: Digs through divine shield. It would basically get rid of the divine shield and do 6 damage to that minion (obviously if you buff it that damage will be more).
Won 2 games with 5% chance to win. Loses 2 50/50 games. Complains about luck. Yep, sounds right
If that tiny pirate near the end of the final fight hit the Imp Mama, that would likely have at least tied the fight lol.
Hail Santa!
So, this is what Kripp does when there are no Murlocs.
I find it amazing how Kripp sometimes wins with such shitty builds at such a high mmr. I am a 6k mmr scrub and you can be sure there is always at least one player with a golden goldrin + parrot, divine shield dragons or divine shield murlocs.
What happened to Chancerino? :c
He should have swapped out Juggler out earlier for a scalable minion
Dont play this game. Cannon-spawn players kill the game. They remove cobold because it is strong in late game but cannon still in game like a joke. Not even a NERF.
Where is murloc tide hunter, it is a good battlecry starter card 🙂
Is it me or are demons doing pretty good recently?
Kripp is a 🍘
Should've went to 6 when facing ghost to try to fish for a golden mama
Not leveling to 6 soon enough was the the biggest misplay of the game
card idea , remove all murlocs from the pool for the rest of the game
"This guy's just playing pings"
Golden Soul Juggler…..
Any defeat that doesnt destroy u makes you stronger
I'm so unluuuu…. Oh wait 0% winrate