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Tempo Demon Hunter remains a great budget deck.
Deck code: AAECAea5AwKBsQPMugMOlgb9pwP5rgOLugPXuwPgvAPWvgPXvgPevgPHxgPZxgP3yAP5yAP+yAMA
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This video is from the era of Year of the Phoenix Standard format and Ashes of Outland expansion.
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Random comment to support the chanel
Am also f2p and on a budget. So tired of playing Demon hunter. Spell dragon druid has been fun — what else is viable?
I watched these live yesterday, 10/10 didn't mind watching them again. Pity I had to leave after that last one with the Groms, so I didn't get to watch whatever came after.
cobalt spellkin is better than vulpera?
awesome stuff, your lists are always great.
everytime you find a better tempo DH version, show it to us please! ur the best!
Cooll been waiting for some budget deck🤘
Sure, it beats Murloc Paladin. But the games against Druid and Warrior were not convincing. Both of you opponents beat themselves with bad draw RNG. The Warrior never found a weapon.
I noticed that you kept chaos strike in the mulligan quite frequently. Can you go over the rationale over keeping this versus looking for battle fiends/umberwing/etc? Would you consider keeping it if you don't have other early game plays (or especially if)?
Old Guardian going gangsta was the best part of the video apart from the deck and gameplay XD
No idea how you beat that warrior — well played!!
Is questing adventurer still good for budget demon hunter?
Thanks for this deck , I'll give it a try . I like the fact you're not using the legendaries cause I already dusted them lol. I've been having a really hard time as a priest main so hopefully this deck can fix my losing streak
I did expect you to that last game, lovely.
went 24-8 with this deck, ty sir