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It’s a new meta out there and here are the current top contenders for the best deck to climb the ladder with!
Zoo Warlock: AAECAf0GArWfA9a5Aw4wzgfCCPukA/2kA4GlA/2nA/muA7C2A7W5A7a5A8e5A8u5A96+AwA=
Quest Warlock: AAECAf0GDrQDxQTtBdsG3AaKB8QI66MD/KMDu6UD7qwDkbED87cD7r8DCM4H2pYD2psD5awD66wD7KwD7awD6b4DAA==
Murloc Paladin: AAECAZ8FAuiwA/y4Aw7FA9sDzwbQB6cItZgDx50Dr6cDyqsDyLgDybgD9rgD+7gDysEDAA==
Bomb Warrior (Zyrios): AAECAQcGyAOblAPerQPfrQPjtAPFwAMMS5ADogTUBP8HmpQD2a0D3a0DpLYDuLkDwLkDnLsDAA==
Tempo Demon Hunter (Warglaives): AAECAea5AwTMugPDvAPWvgPaxgMNlgb9pwP5rgOLugPXuwPEvAPgvAPXvgPevgPZxgP3yAP5yAP+yAMA
Tempo Demon Hunter (Spellkin, WuLing): AAECAea5AwLMugPaxgMOlgb9pwP5rgOBsQOLugPXuwPgvAPWvgPXvgPevgPZxgP3yAP5yAP+yAMA
Highlander Hunter: AAECAR8etQPhBJcI2wn8owPkpAOmpQOEpwOKrQOLrQOOrQP5rgP8rwP+rwOHsAOIsAPnsAP/sAOFsQOHsQORsQPYsgOvtwODuQOiuQP/ugP7uwPXvgPevgPDzAMAAA==
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This video is from the era of Year of the Phoenix Standard format and Ashes of Outland expansion.
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No Dragon Spell Druid any more?
Also, could you do a budget list?
You said Rogue is still viable? Should we lean less on the Galakrond invokes given the nerf, then, or is the nerf not actually that bad?
I think Evolve Shaman is pretty good to climb
What about embiggen druid and galakrond priest?
Have you played against Vargoth druid that uses germination? Its absolutely terrifying
Did you know that I also stream Hearthstone on Twitch? You can find my Twitch channel here:
same highlandr hunter ive been, playing 80%wr to rank 5
Thx for the videos <3
Random comment to support the channel
i feel like this vid not fear enough for rogue and almost all the decks are strong enough against rogue and u did not
post any deck for rogue and i see alot off it in lader
I really love your videos man. Your YouTube Chanel and the hearthstonetopdecks web page where also you share some stuff are my pilars on this game. Thx for all.
Could you suggest begginer deck please? I want to play and learn the deck same as the game. Thank you.
You channel is one of the best when it comes to hearthstone.
Better Meta Snapshot than Tempo Storm
Ty sir for these timely good videos to recap on the meta and return to the game
Amazing information, very useful. Just a little thing, Murloc Paladin isn't a "new" class. It's been around for quite a while
what are ur thoughts on totem shaman?