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Deck code:
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (1) Aldor Attendant
# 2x (2) Hand of A’dal
# 2x (2) Libram of Wisdom
# 1x (2) Murgur Murgurgle
# 2x (2) Shotbot
# 1x (2) Subdue
# 1x (3) Aldor Peacekeeper
# 2x (3) Bronze Explorer
# 2x (3) Underlight Angling Rod
# 2x (4) Ancestral Guardian
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 2x (4) Lightforged Zealot
# 2x (5) Aldor Truthseeker
# 2x (5) Libram of Justice
# 1x (7) Lady Liadrin
# 2x (7) Lightforged Crusader
# 2x (9) Libram of Hope
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
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I enjoyed your video jWO9
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wanna be friends?
Hey, Chris following you from spain, greetings
Got everything for this deck except the weapons. Are they REALLY that much better than Truesilvers? Seems kinda just okay unless you pull a legendary Murloc.