BLIZZARD FIXED MAIEV! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Maiev is finally a good hero! One of the best even…
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45 thoughts on “BLIZZARD FIXED MAIEV! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. How to "Fix" Hooktusk Hero Power:
    a) Nerf it to 1 mana
    b) Have 1 cost minions only be used to discover 1/1 token minions (e.g. 1/1 Whelp [Dragon], 1/1 Rat [Beast], 1/1 Murloc Scout [Murloc], 1/1 Imp [Demon], 1/1 Microbot [Mech], 1/1 Sky Pirate [Pirate], and 1/1 Plant [No Tribe])

  2. wrong title, should have been : 1hp matters, battlegrounds edition ps even zap was 1hp 🙂

  3. Let me fix your title…

  4. the imprison art is just a crop of kelthuzad boss full art, why do they not make original assets for new heroes?

  5. I can't tell if the last guy was sniping or if he was a genius, but it's great content. Well played last guy, sorry it didn't work out.

  6. Love how the guy he's playing emotes when he wins or ties but when he loses THERE'S NOTHING! scum bags talking shit up until they realize they are going to lose …annoying

  7. Does anyone else notice Kripp's mouse shakes? Is he bouncing a leg or something or does his hand/arm shake?

  8. Hey kripp. at 7:45 you though of putting cannon first. just to let you know, if cannon is 1st, you always attack 2nd.

  9. that overlay you are using should be considered cheating, it gives you way too much information, yes granted its a lot of info you can already know but you shouldn't have a overlay saying oh this is the cleave guy you should remember that…

  10. Random question, how come they put a Blizzard logo on this thumbnail when none of the other videos do?

  11. Kripp next game: yea, as you know Maiev is really bad right now. the guy changes his opinions about cards or heroes more often than a girl changes clothes.

  12. As soon as Kripp feels pressure of being outplayed he defaults to “they are watching my stream” lol

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