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Tweets by Alliestrasza
Thank you to all of Alliestrasza’s fans, followers, and donors.
Video Production by Allie and Mason
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Streamed on 2020-07-21
#Alliestrasza #Hearthstone
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0:07 Skipperino Allierino
You are so smart that you are able to turn a lost game and win it. Greetings from Chile in south america
That intro is sick, I haven't seen Allie's stream in a while — the quality looks so clean! Also grats on 100k subs!, ill make it +1 more
There she is! With a Magnificent card Deck. Thanks for the Deck link. Won't be asking for anything. Keep rolling with Bomb Warrior :}
Nice one!
Nice flex). Will you announce some crds this time?
your fit
no outro???
parents ask my fiancee's name
that forgot to attack crack me up lol
What a babe
Underrated Channel
I Play pretty much the exact same deck sans 1 bladestorm for Hack the System for a bit more flavor. Hoping warriors gets a bit more active draw card next expansion, it relies on Skipper a bit too much for my liking.
That happy dance was hilarious xD nice games, greetings from Brazil!
Thanks Allie I’ve been waiting for someone to do a bomb warrior deck👍🏽
Min 3:05 The best fail in the world HAHHAHHA
To much onluck for oponnent.
Anybody else ship her and Brian Kibler?
Nice!!!!! Hello from Ukraine)