CAN YOU STAY ALIVE?? A Race to the Death with Pain Warlock! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Cards like Diseased Vulture and Darkglare seem like incredibly powerful engines for a self-damage Warlock deck, but I’ve never been able to make them work together… until now! This deck still needs more testing, but early results are very promising. You can usually cheat out tons of mana and minions, then race your opponent to zero just before you accidentally kill your own hero.


#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | CAN YOU STAY ALIVE?? A Race to the Death with Pain Warlock!


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35 thoughts on “CAN YOU STAY ALIVE?? A Race to the Death with Pain Warlock! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. Pain warlock looks so fun, if only i didn't get stuck w quest and rafaam 🙁

  2. Heyo Regis 4twennyd here
    I'm not getting stream notifications from twitch app for your stream?

    You said you were doing early morning streams for now but I keep missing you

  3. Hey how soulbound ashtongue is a good card?
    Its a 1 mana 1/4 that can deal 4 or more damage to your face
    I dont what it synergizes with here
    Can soneone explain?

  4. I was literally just experimenting with a pain warlock deck on ladder and this video popped up in my feed. How crazy!

  5. What movie is that? I know I've seen it but I just can't quite recall what it's name is

  6. Every single time someone plays Darkglare, I forget that it only refreshes crystals and I tell the player that they misplayed. Every single time.

  7. Oh my god, masochist warlock is STILL a THING, warlock, if you feel sad or anything just talk with your friends, STOP being a MASOCHIST

  8. I DIED WATCHING THE INTRO!!! epic !!! Started playing HS again after many many years… So good to be back at it!

  9. 5 and 1 huh?
    if i played this deck it would be 1 and 5 assuming out of 6 matches i get at least one disconnect or random concede

  10. I feel like adding Jaraxxus would have been an okay edition to this deck.

    Of course, I'm speaking from my Zoo-Lock / Swarm-lock deck with him in it.

  11. I played a different type of hit yourself warlock and it completely destroys priest players, because you play overstatted minions and they have no burst (except shadow madness) to punish you for losing a lot of health.

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