Deathrattle Tempo Priest | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Priest has strong tempo cards, but do they combine for a strong deck?

Deck Code: AAECAa0GBNQKha0D1LoDzr4DDeUE9QXvkgOtpQOvpQO9pgOatgOWugOvugOwugPpugOj1QOk1QMA

00:00 Deck
02:35 Galakrond Warlock
07:27 Galakrond Rogue
12:45 Highlander Hunter


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41 thoughts on “Deathrattle Tempo Priest | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. I'm glad Chump knows that tears of denial is a dark souls miracle but didn't know what it did proving he's not a scrub casul /s and for those that don't know tears of denial is literally just ice block (except you get put at 1 hp)

  2. Ohh the video is divided into segments that show who he is fighting against! Very nice!

  3. "I hope not, because I don't even know what that miracle does so it can't be that good"

    Dark Souls 3 disagrees with this statement.

  4. Hey Chump, can you make a deck involving Body Wrapper (Discover a friendly minion that died this game, shuffle it into your deck). That card rarely sees play.

  5. I'm surprised chromatic egg and A'lar didn't make the cut, would those work as well?

  6. Nice! I wanted to see more deathrattle decks since there's so many deathrattle cards that has been introduced these expansion. I'd tried Deathrattle Rouge even though it loses some of the core cards last rotation. However, there's a good substitute for Mechanical Whelp, it is also a 7/7 but with a taunt. I also have Anubisath Warbringer plus Galakrond package then the nasty Anka and Magic Carpet combo. Sadly though, it's Galakrond that is winning me games most of the time.

  7. 12:08
    I've made many misplays playing hearthstone. But THAT was fucken holy shit, how is he even legend? I cant get over how bad he misplayed that. Fuck.

  8. i think just run soul mirror instead of temple enforcer, card's busted. gives you a board, clears things. I think all priest decks except for a theoretical really aggro one should run it, and even then maybe it gets a slot there

  9. Tears Of Denial is a super important miracle because of speed-running. It puts you at 1 when you go to zero, and can be used to move off the map.

  10. Really wanted to try out this archetype. So I'm glad to see you giving it a shot. I think this could be tightened a little bit. Some of the spells seem a bit greedy. I wonder if there's room for a Sethekk Veilweave package.

    Actually, maybe you just run it. It's a 2-3 for 2 that cycles all your buff spells.

  11. I've played a similar deck of my own too, there's a cool interaction with wretched reclaimer/teron+shadow madness, it's a 2 card conditional mind control, and shadow madness is potentially burst damage too.

  12. I am having blast on diamond ladder with normal tempo priest deck.. noone suspects it and game is over in about 8 mana..
    winrate is 10-4

  13. I don't want you to disenchant your copies, I just want you to open that screen and see how much dust you could get if you did!! It's driving me crazy every time I see you in collection haha. Love the vids as always.

  14. Is it possible? Can it be? A viable priest deck that doesn't make me want to puke my guts out? Thank you Chump.

  15. When chump start talking about dark souls i assumed that he was talking to the chat which meant Twitch stream. For a moment i was so happy and then after checking the link in the description sad again. Chump please!

  16. @chump i found out that having your stuff wake up on a turn where you are full mana is insane. Awaken, stealth, and even the mage quest that summon a 6/6 are broken tempo swings. Try the 3/5 awaken and rush. It s super strong

  17. Tears of Denial activates when you take damage that would kill you and instead puts your health to 1. It's basically the Dark Souls equivalent of Ice Block

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