Defeating The TANKIEST DRUID With MILL WARRIOR | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1573
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ES_Tell It Like It Is — Glove Box
ES_Taste of New Orleans — Golden Age Radio
ES_Cool Boarders — Honeycutts
ES_Get Me Mr Brown — Glove Box
ES_Mississippi Happenings — Golden Age Radio
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:28 — Moments
10:05 — Outro
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◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
you predicted lilian in the new set!!! you knew!!!!
Comment question: what is your favourite hero portrait?
5:31 we all know its the TREE of life who saved Rdu from death.
P.S Comment ''Mr.Editor is the best'' if you see this in the clip <3
I don't know if that counts as an additionals treehee but there's one in the intro and the one in the channel's icon.
5:27 that one was tre-easy
5:27 found the lil Tree dude
6:14 that was entirely his own fault. He just needed to play zephrys first to get fireball, THEN soulfire
11:16 that's a cat?! I thought that was an octopus!
"what the @#$% @#$%¨$ is that" the tree face in the face
Treehee was Rdu
Whattsapp gais
at 1:50 why is that guy has Allie's picture as a follower alert pic lol
2500 armor?
That’s it?
Dude I go for the 3500 armor and try for 4500, but never draw the 1 mana healing choose one.
Rdu’s face is groot 😂
Turn 8 5:27 lol
1:18 69 damage — nice
11:13 Is it???
1:46 is it Alliestrasza? Oo
I saw trehee on Galakrond. Not gonna say where
RDU toke 31 dmg. Editor: Treehee face xD
Hey guys just take a look on this battlegrounds video
If it was not for RDU's saltyness i almost did not saw the Teehee give him a little extra 😇
Rdu live’s ultimate death. That guy was crazy
I founded the tree 3 times: at 0:00, at 0:10 and at 5:26
Well ivde say 00:01 hahahaah I win xD
Can you seperate the BG videos from the Hearthstone card game ones? It is annoying to skip every time there is a BG scene.
Treehee 5:27
i am so confused on the goose writers thing?is it new meme or something?