The discord link is fixed!!!
### Quest Warlock
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (1) Mortal Coil
# 2x (1) Rain of Fire
# 2x (1) Soulfire
# 1x (1) Supreme Archaeology
# 2x (2) Mo’arg Artificer
# 2x (2) Nether Breath
# 2x (2) Plot Twist
# 2x (2) Questing Explorer
# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
# 2x (3) Dark Skies
# 1x (3) Sense Demons
# 2x (5) Crazed Netherwing
# 2x (6) Aranasi Broodmother
# 1x (6) Keli’dan the Breaker
# 2x (6) Khartut Defender
# 1x (8) Twisting Nether
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Malygos
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Generated by HDT —
#hearthstone #ashesofoutlands #legendary
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Awesome video bro
Questlock got me near to legend and soon I’ll be at my place of respect at legend ranks
Stop spoiling the best part of the videos at the start 😭
Do you recommend crafting it or highlander hunter ?