Diablo 2 LoD Ending High Quality

The ending of the Blizzard’s famous game, Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction


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40 thoughts on “Diablo 2 LoD Ending High Quality

  1. I know its hard for a 12 year old to imagine and age where there was no 1080p but this was the late 90s… -.-

  2. well actually im 17 and hey i actually do remember when there was no 1080p sooo……….. shut up

  3. what a waste of a good sword… couldn't tyreal have just stabbed it or something? why did he just throw it away?

  4. Now why can't someone make a better tyrael mod for skyrim? I want animated huge wings! And voice mods for em.

  5. tyrael's voice in d3 pisses me off, nothing can compare to the commanding voice tyrael had when he and the wanderer fought inside of tal rasha's tomb

  6. We all understand that this was made a decade ago, hence the graphics. But look at the style man! .It…It's just so…. so… You have to stand in awe!

  7. I love how, prior to Diablo 3, this is as "cheery" as the series ever got, and it wasn't even cheery at all.

  8. The ending of D2LoD is actually quite exiting and very potential, the trails it leave actually can lead to another great story. Sadly, very sad, those naive and inexperience D3 team totally ruined all of them, both the story and the game.

  9. 240p is very low quality, and it was in 2007 too. Title is a blatant lie.

  10. "….I am impressed, mortal. You have overcome the greatest challenge this world has ever faced, and stood up to Activision Blizzard. However, we are too late to save the franchise, Activisions greedy touch has corrupted it completely. Given enough time, the franchise's energies will drain away and the barriers between the fanbase will shatter,the powers of money will flood into this…community….and eradicate your people and everything you've labored to build. Therefore I must destroy the corrupted franchise before the powers of greed take root…this act will change your community forever with consequences even I cannot foresee. However, it is the only way to ensure the community's survival. May the eternal light shine upon you and your descendants for what you've done this day. The continued survival of the community is your legacy."

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