Diablo 2 - Singleplayer Sorceress Torch Farming!

MrLlamaSC’s Holy Grail Sorceress is a Diablo 2 LOD Singleplayer Sorceress whose goal is to collect every Unique and Set item in the game. He has been on this journey for almost a year now and is starting to work down to a very narrowed list. The primary skill for this run has been Blizzard but every now and then he respecs to something else.

He is currently using PLUGY mod which allows for the large stash + ladder items and events (such as dclone and ubers). Everything on this character is solo self found.

The list of items remaining can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lzsa4ixHQpsUwwGZ-WuKHrsm3x3GUMJJaWv18LG2SDU/edit#gid=0

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