Diablo 3 Challenge Rift 158 EU Guide Rank 1 DO NOT COMPLETE UNTIL FRIDAY

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47 thoughts on “Diablo 3 Challenge Rift 158 EU Guide Rank 1 DO NOT COMPLETE UNTIL FRIDAY

  1. So we didn't end up with firebird after all, nice.
    Thank you for the fine guide Raxx! 🙂

  2. I could not complete the previous CR, so hpefully this one is as easy as you make it seem! Thanks for explaining the beem!

  3. thank you for your guides. I totally dont play over 3 years and Youtube algorithm has brought me to you. Thanks to you, I'm back in the game and I'm really looking forward to the season. Good job, greatings from Germany

  4. do you think blizzard plans for the easy rifts to be in season start week
    Because u remember last season rift was easy as well

  5. too easy. you even have the cooldown on kill item in the cube, you can damn near have no cd on your archon if you kill fast enough, this was my first vyr build last season. wp. wheres the us cr? wp mr rax

  6. Wait. You did it on the last second, didn't you? Why then called "easy"? Or was the rift timer just showing your previous run?

  7. I started this game afew days ago. I’m only level 10 I think but can I make my character a season character on Friday? I do t fully understand these seasons

  8. Hey just wanted to say thank you for all the awesome guides! I'm about to hit 1000paragon lvls on my nonseasonal, and I couldnt have done it without your build guides. Will start this season by doing this challenge rift and then play a dh i think! cheers

  9. I thought you didn't play eu challenge rifts, so now you're doing na+eu challenge rifts?

  10. Do you happen to know what time the season actually starts this friday? any time zone works can convert to mine 😀

  11. Even though a vet like you don’t need luck,hope S21 is a great one for you man.I for one can’t wait!

  12. im new to this tricks, we must do challenge rift on friday or just after the season start? And how about asia region?

  13. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that both regions got easy rifts as the new season starts? How has the earlier seasons first challenge rift been? Anyway, another banger Raxx! See you tonight mate!

  14. WHy the hell do they release it before season start lol

    THanks for your videos btw, my first port of call whenever returning to Diablo

  15. Here is a newbie question: Can I complete the season journey on necro and claim the set reward on DH? Since the necro is going for LoN and the starting set for DH is a good option. Ty

  16. Thanks a million! Your calm demeanor on YouTube gives me confidence and your swearing and sarcasm on Twitch give me entertainment.
    How long will this Challenge Rift stick around after the season starts?

  17. What would you recommend for a 2 man pushing? Not a N°1 push, but just to have an objective, like 100 in 2s or 250 in 2s. Many thanks in advice! Love your content, going for a first time season "kinda serious"

  18. I'm curious: do the builds in these Challenge Rifts represent the builds from actual players or are they thrown together by Blizzard, because some of these builds are just so incredibly wonky that I can't believe anyone would use them.

  19. Raxx has mentioned this in the past, but forgot to here: MAKE SURE YOU CREATE A SEASONAL CHARACTER FIRST, BEFORE COMPLETING THE CHALLENGE RIFT.

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