Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Necromancer Gameplay

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls — Necromancer Gameplay

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27 thoughts on “Diablo III: Reaper of Souls — Necromancer Gameplay

  1. I hate to be a naysayer… This doesn't look interesting at all. Looks more like witchdoctor with different animations gameplay wise. We don't need another summoner. I don't know what's going on at Blizzard, but from D2 to D3 we got this:

    Barb —> Barb
    Sorceress —> Wizard
    Necromancer —> Witchdoctor (even with the f*cking poison spells and corpse(zombie dog) explosion etc.!)
    Amazon —> Demonhunter
    Assassin —> Monk
    Paladin —> Crusader
    Druid —> ???

    This is pretty obvious what class is missing here: a shapeshifter! Not necessarily a druid, but a class that transforms into something. Maybe a Greymane/Lone Druid (HotS/Dota) kinda playstyle. Switching from ranged to melee form at will.
    THIS I find interesting.

    In HotS the Necro is a melee character for whatever reason and it seems they are going for a semi melee, summoner with haemophilia. Let's hope Blizzard is coming to their senses.

  2. so its witch doctor but melee? why wasn't this part of the Reaper of Souls expansion? even Diablo II had 2 classes in LoD

  3. muhaha, looks like fucking money grind fest for blizzard and his blind, braindead followers. PoE = free huge content, way better playstyle. Good joke this "meleeshitmancer" blizz.

  4. I hate to complain but they could have shown more attacks / abilities

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