Discard Warlock is pretty good when you discard Silverware Golem

Discard Warlock is so easy to pilot and to get to Legend with.. or at least rank 5. I mean games last like 3 minutes and you very likely win

Deck Code (budget version):

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Some tags, pls ignore 🙂

hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, warlock, discard warlock


#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem


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33 thoughts on “Discard Warlock is pretty good when you discard Silverware Golem

  1. Nice, after playing this deck for 2 months it's finally in a video. It still can be frustrating if your discards just don't go well. Cost me a good portion of games

  2. Deckcode doesn't show the deck you play in the video this 2 mana legendary is missing.

  3. To those who want the quest in the deck, nether portal is too much of a tempo drain for an aggressive deck a 6/4 every turn is not aggressive enough for a turn 5, since usually discolock games end before turn 8 or 9, otherwise you lose.

  4. I want to play some rogue in wild, does anyone know any competitive and fun deck other than odd and pirate rogue?

  5. Just here to share the feeling when you beat a resurrect priest after he starts emoting at you

  6. I dont see power overwhelming and leeroy. Are you really a wild warlock that isn't cube?

  7. I don't have Soularium, nor Kanrethad, nor Zavas, nor Jeklik. Which ones are VERY important to have in this deck, and what to replace the others considered NOT THAT important?

  8. I hit legend for the first time after not playing in about three years using a similar, even cheaper version of this deck. Glad it got its own video!

  9. Just crafted this deck… Went 13 — 0 before loosing to a quest mage only due to bad draw. Yeah this deck is broken. It even beats hyper aggressive odd DH and pirate warrior decks.

  10. i kinda want you to discard the wrong thing and get into hearthstone daily moments

  11. Is solarium a must have? Can i replace it with clutchmother zavas witch i do have? What about jeklik, I assume she's too slow.

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