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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #dogdog
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I'm in 8.5k bracket, but I reckon nothing changes. As long as Murlocks + Beasts are in the game, everyone forces murlocks, luckiest one wins.
There is only one strategy in the game, and that is murlocks.
Go pirates, you beat everyone early, lose to the lucky guy going murlocks. Rinse repeat
Dog mentions that it must of been a high lobby. The player that donated the Megasaur to him near the end is also the #1 player on the list at the end of the video. So yeah, it’s a good lobby.
Top 10 in NA. Congrats man that's awesome
Dog for first Battlegrounds World Champ!
all three of the other top 4 players quit the game lol
was there a bug at 14:00 ? why did coldlight seer give itself an attack buff?
Woot woot
Dang, dude. Congrats!
13:22 the logic doesnt work. It's not -1 gold if you roll and freeze because you got an extra roll in instead of hero powering. It's the same unless you hit something you need.
9:01 a wild hafu appears!
What is that site at the end? That shows position.. I tried looking for hearthstone bg leaderboards and couldn't find anything
Waiting for 20K
Our goose army made it in the video chargeeee
dog best player 🙂
Anyone else notice how he missed the warleader triple on his first primalfin with the second discovery? After that he only talked about taking bagurgle over the rockpool triple.
awesome number
Lmao 7 divine shield and poison minion XD
man your rumbling intro always scares my dog
Dog reaches 14k.
Me near 7k finally ima reach 7k….
Next 10 games lose 2×5% back to back, exact lethal every time, no pirates when playing patches except hp, no murlocs from frurgl whatsoever aaaaand back to 6k….its ok…it isnt like it took me one week to gathe 1000 mmr only to be wrecked in 2 days by a classic super bad luck streak…
the rng u get is insane. i guess when ur a streamer the devs give you nuts rng
damn, some of them even left before the game ends. Murloc too stronk
I don't know who this 14k guy is, but violence is never the answer!
Dog should just stop playing Hearthstone.
With how dominant Murlocs are in order to get Divine Shield + Poison on a full board it should be as difficult as any other exodia build is to get.
Damn the LotR at 16:00 really hit home for me
"Kripptogay" I died
This game just shows how ridiculous primalfin is
Yea murlocs just aren’t fun to play from both sides :(( although it wins it doesn’t feel good to see them and it doesn’t feel the best when people leave bc they know they can’t win. Feelsbadman
murlocs are so gdm boring
The grind is real. Have to play on another region on mobile once I got past 9k. Impossible to climb otherwise
I hit 2k last night!..
murlocs ruin this gamemode zzz
Only person at 15k is in europe
Man I really thought the title meant you hit a 14k attack lmao
watching you play dog makes me almost wanna sit down and waste my time with this garbage, but then I wake up and remember you are getting paid for this.