Doom Lord Kazzak | Trial by Felfire | Challenges  | Hearthstone



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6 thoughts on “Doom Lord Kazzak | Trial by Felfire | Challenges | Hearthstone

  1. This deck helped against Megtheridon!

    Sadly now I'm stuck at the last boss (Illidan), I've tried spell druid, tempo DH, this deck, but Illidan is way too OP.
    Also I'm poor and can't craft decks like Highlander Mage or Gala Priest.
    If anyone has any suggestions against the last boss, I'd appreciate it.

  2. I beat him with psychic priest.

    You can even get the cards that your opponent uses that you cannot use in deck making. I got the one that marks a playable card in your opponent's hand, and Malganis himself. It's really fun.

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