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First! <3
Finally real voice Pog
that voice changer caught me so off guard lol
her luck is outrageous, yet she complains about losing a 6% while in reality she missplayed. lol
Holy! The scam is so real lol.
Scammed out of 1st. That's rough buddy.
The scam………..
I love the sign
When slyssa pops the golden sneed maexna, foe reaper. When the opponent pops my golden sneed double shifter zerus…
am i the only one who had to mute the video to enjoy the gameplay?
My Princess 🥰
That ending lol.
This was a funny game and video. Also I can barely understand your real voice I feel sorry for your friends irl 😅
This was a game you could only get 2nd if you were scammed
Unlike the others i like your real voice
OMG scammed and literally that bubble on selfless hero saved him..scammed 2.0
Guess i will be watching this video muted then
I didn't not see that ending coming lol
Bruh that sign had me legit laughing
Man I hate that voice.
You sound like that demon from power puff girls lol
see I was waiting for the scam part. didnt expect it to happen 5sec before the vid ends. 😀 Yep. Scam confirmed.
the demon voice made this video
You know what they say… Your real voice scares your friends away.
(and yes, that was scam)
That voice change crap is so annoying
Hey guys just take a look on this battlegrounds video
Literally cannot understand anything you say in your true voice
Chat has never played demons once? Jesus you don’t play malgannis until you have 1 hp, then you lose the game when you lose a fight that’s how it works
The 'SCAM' sign is so good!
Hahaha you're a dork
Games like this would test my patience as a streamer. Twitch chat needs to stop backseat driving
The voice changer reminds me of Him from Powerpuff Girls
"me me big boy" — Slysssa, 2020
Think Baron was a mistake in this build because with Macaw, Selfless, Malganis and Baron you have 4 support units and actually only 3 valuable d-shield targets so the additional d-shields are kind of wasted. Imp Mum instead of Baron would have been fine, 4 d-shields is more than enough. An unstable Ghoul positioned to the far left and no taunt on the watcher would have been better imo, you strip them of all their d-shields, then get yours through macaw and selfless. Should be more consistent though it can always fail to cleave, Zap, opponents ghouls and what not but thats the same for all builds.