Dragon Face Hunter - Stormhammer IN YOUR FACE! | Standard | Hearthstone

I knew my cute little Stormhammer would make for a great deck!
Deck code: AAECAR8CrwSXCA6oAocEyQThBNsJ/gzv8QLeggOKrQOLrQP7rwP8rwP+rwOFsAMA


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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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41 thoughts on “Dragon Face Hunter — Stormhammer IN YOUR FACE! | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. Why dont you have the legendary that does 5 if you use hero power? Instead of some of the garbage cards such as the mosquito guy

  2. Ahhhh this deck was SOOO fun! It ended up actually being not that great, though, and I switch it a bit taking out the stormhammer engine. It ended up being more of a mech hunter deck than anything (https://youtu.be/VDUch1kBuwA). Glad to see someone else playing this competitively, though! =)

  3. Just took me 4 hours to go from rank 11 to rank 10 in ladder. I was winning every other game and was just stuck at 2-3 stars… FOR 4 FUCKING HOURS

  4. The main issue I had with the face hunter from toast was that it had no minions and damage. Some silly low damage is easily beaten by high hp minions…

  5. So they nerf Shaman into extinction but the 5 mana water dude and the busted priest quest don’t get touched?

  6. so many face hunter at rank 4. its like more than half of the games are face hunters. Its like GVG came back. Sometimes i can win with highlander rogue. Sometimes.

  7. as soon as I hit rank 1 this month I just played priest for ez 5-0 since everyone is playing this degenerate deck

  8. I had the narliest priest quest game against face hunter. I was having to use his explosive traps to kill of my taunt that heals me. Or else I was dead. Was a super fun match.
    Then there was the otk hunter I faced that was scary

  9. Hey! I just wanted to ask, that is it ok to run Hyena Alpha in the regular face hunter deck?

  10. @Trump hi newbie here, i cant find lifedrinker to craft, do i need to finish the Witchwood solo quest to be able to craft cards like lifedrinker?

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