Early Jaraxxus To The Rescue! | Control Warlock | Hearthstone

Jaraxxus is cool for 9 mana; it’s even cooler for 3.

Part 1: https://youtu.be/YeKaMJ17WpQ


Deck Code: AAECAf0GBsUEiQbcBvCsA9a5A+6/AwzbBvsGjQjECNqWA/KlA+WsA+usA+ysA+6sA72+A+a+AwA=

00:00 Enrage Warrior
05:20 Tempo Demon Hunter
13:17 Galakrond Rogue
23:44 Wrap-up


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36 thoughts on “Early Jaraxxus To The Rescue! | Control Warlock | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAf0GBsUEiQbcBvCsA9a5A+6/AwzbBvsGjQjECNqWA/KlA+WsA+usA+ysA+6sA72+A+a+AwA=

  2. I feel like big daddy J has a pretty, pretty big hole in his card design.

  3. A thought I had from this video is you can use Dark Portal to make a zero cost Summoner Portal. I wonder what the best stuff you could do with that is? Zero cost portal into rafaam..?

  4. Yesterday i played a jaraxxus deck. I was vs priest that already played ooze. He had another one. I cried.

  5. I made an interresting dragon shaman and had some succes with it, do you take deck suggestions ? Where to share ?

  6. I've been thinking if it's worth it to spend my whole dust on this type of warlock? what do u think guys?

  7. idk why no one tries this deck with fizz kindleroost and the 5/7 enhanced demonlord taunt lifesteal guy. Colbolt spellkin is almost always powerful with the 1 cost spells. Sometimes you just get uhhh… the 4 mana damage spell and you just win.

    My version can beat DH but loses hard to priest, or maybe I just don't have the fucking patience to deal with preists bullshit anymore to win, idk.l

  8. I know you play fun decks and is shouldn't be the question, but man, I love Control and I love ma boi Warlock so I have to ask. How viable is that deck? Can it hold some aggro DH but also what do you think of it against value decks like Highlander Priest? I really need your answer man, I'm about to craft last pieces, and Im serious! 😀

  9. wish more people played hearthstone like chump, most people just copy decks off sites nowadays without innovating

  10. I've been watching chump for years now even though I dont play hearthstone anymore,,,great vids

  11. Any particular reason you didn't put Zzeraku in this deck? Getting that off of dark portal should just end the game

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