Even Demon Hunter | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

It’s just fair.


Deck Code: AAECAea5AwKdAdrGAw6EtgOLugPJugPXuwOcvAPgvAONvQOZvQPZxgP/yAOcyQPb0wPd0wP41gMA

00:00 Deck
02:04 Pure Paladin
09:00 Quest Warlock
18:32 Galakrond Rogue


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30 thoughts on “Even Demon Hunter | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAea5AwKdAdrGAw6EtgOLugPJugPXuwOcvAPgvAONvQOZvQPZxgP/yAOcyQPb0wPd0wP41gMA

  2. just when i thought my weekend was going to go chumpless, i am pelted in the face with a standard even demon hunter deck by resident Dr. Yaboy himself. and the top end bolsters 2 8 mana heroic strikes. Unreal

  3. Chump, do you think this deck is a safe craft? So far they have only nerfed odd DH cards, but I worry if they will eventually go after its twin brother just like they nerfed both Odd and Even Pally.

  4. Two objections to this. Genn Graymane doesn't have Taunt, and you can't have a 1-mana hero power in Standard. Stop cheating.

  5. When Blizzard doesn't want to balancing the game, the most honest gamers have to balance it by themselves.

  6. "today and forever, I am your better Arthas!" — sounds like someone is still salty they got their butt whupped in Northrend and sent back to Outland by Arthas.

  7. GOLDEN lord of the arena. Nice.

    Btw, while moving to the LoR and out of HS, I've noticed 1 disadvantage of LoR gameplay — you and your opp do not have face! So you can't punch his face and you can't even wear weapons. FeelsBadMan

  8. Odd DH is the most scum deck in Hearthstone i have more respect for face hunter.

  9. A funny tidbit: "servant", pronounced [sʲɪrˈvant], means "sideboard" in Russian, so Kayn's voice line paints a humorous picture of people hiding from him behind furniture, translingual puns permitted.

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