EXODIA....SORTA OBLITERATE | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

I guess you can call it the EXODI combo?
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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46 thoughts on “EXODIA….SORTA OBLITERATE | Firebat Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Not sure if double Goldrin was going to work in the final comp, surely the first one dies, death rattle goes off and heals the 2nd one back up out or range?

  2. Isn't having the mama 2nd minion from the left serve as both cleave protection and as 5/5 to all (-1) rats? It's better than bomb. Not that it wouldve made a difference but still.

  3. Mama Bear is better cleave protection than Bomb because it survives the Ghoul, absorbs buffs and gives +5/+5 to all rats if it doesn't get cleaved. And if it does, you only miss out on bomb damage which normally is not relevant in the late game.

  4. I think this highlights a major problem with this mode. Winning or losing against someone based on a coin flip of who goes first with no way to play around it is a toxic mechanic

  5. Spawn isn’t a demon as it’s a void entity which aren’t demons. Technically voidwalkers etc aren’t even demons

  6. 1:00 small potential optimization thing here, I think it was right to buy the swabbie, then level, then sell the token to dig. Essentially the same effect but you trade a 1/1 for a 2/2 and don't get the reroll

  7. Is there any way that Deathwing could‘ve known what kind of comp Firebat is playing except for stream sniping? The Last Time Firebat fought against him was on Turn 5. That Zapp was Kinda random.

  8. I think sacrificing bomb to pick up a 1 attack minion would've saved that comp, but it's tough to say for certain

  9. You've never heard of spawn as a demon? Me and a bunch of friends, when starting, kept forgetting that spawn wasn't a demon.
    It just looks like one.

  10. I think they should remove Zapp. It's a cool unit idea, but in practice it just dumps on exodia and demons, respectively very hard to put together and very weak comps. It does nothing to murlocs, and little/nothing to most pirates. A tech card should punish meta builds, not off meta ones.

  11. I'd like to see a Army of the Light minion base show up. Paladin/Priest based type thing. Do a throw back and call em the Argent Dawn or Argent Crusade.

  12. Ughh I was clickbaited thinking of another waky combo fun video to find out a battlegrounds video, better go watch some paint dry

  13. The Black Knight instead of making him a Battlecry, make it a deathrattle, everytime The Black Knight Dies Destroy an enemy minion with Taunt. example Monstrous Macaw, will trigger that, wud be insane! gameplay!

  14. what is the bg tracker you use? i remember you being part of a team that did this kind

  15. The thing about the black knight, losing 2 — 3 minions at the start of the fight would be shattering. Like murlocks going from 5 buffed murlocks down to 2 (bran + buff slot, bran may be taunted though). I dunno, I guess techincally your kinda conceding 2 slots as well because black knights scale potential (outside darryle) would be real bad. Interstingly it also would open adding spellbreaker too. I dunno, just feels like the sort of countergame they are choosing to ignore.

  16. Couldn't mama be used as swipe protection instead of bomb? A bit high rolly I guess, because if mama dies you don't get the bonus. But when you do it's really good?

  17. Swapping Bomb with Mama would have yielded more stats, and stille have cleave protection, right ?

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