FELFIRE FESTIVAL! Battlegrounds "Expansion", Adventure & More! | Trump News | Hearthstone

Battlegrounds is getting lots of new minions, heroes and an entire new tribe.
We also get an adventure, challenges, brawls & more!

Official Blizzard Post: https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/news/23440115/welcome-to-the-felfire-festival-of-music-and-vengeance


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♬ Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com/
♬ Ronald Jenkees http://www.ronaldjenkees.com/


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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41 thoughts on “FELFIRE FESTIVAL! Battlegrounds "Expansion", Adventure & More! | Trump News | Hearthstone

  1. I can't wait for Ogre X battleground, i know ogre isn't a tribe on hearthstone just like gnome but still i want to see it

  2. they are out here adding new minions, story mode and huge changes, meanwhile my tutorial is still bugged and i cant complete it 🙂 very cool

  3. Can't wait for clips of people picking the murloc hero and murlocs not being in the game.

  4. Who cares about Battlegrounds? Free packs and adventure, now that actually matters, woo.

  5. And i don't even care that they have it i just want a button to remove it so i don't have to read it it's there free speech to put it up in game but i just don't want to read it my self. kind of like face book they can remove as a friend if they don't want to read my post or just don't read it . Why do they have to bann me on face book They put it up before every game. I mean are we going to read articles or a book before we start a game.

  6. "Pirates are coming to battlegrounds "…..they should have started day one of battlegrounds tf !?

  7. Fire festival in the past gave you double gold for quests,then gold and dust,now it's just a content dump,but still cool stuff being dropped

  8. Trump knew this was coming right (like all the other top HS streamers)? That's why he's been trying to learn BGs from chat.

  9. Does tribe rotation means that you can only play murlocks normally when both murlocks and beasts are in the meta?
    I mean, sure, murlocks can win without miracle dinosaur, but that make them much worse, prob almost unplayable as a tribe.
    And beasts without murlocks… do you mean that game would still give you dinosaur option even without murlocks in the game? Oh god, what a crazy 6-star minion — 5/4 beast that do nothing. Never seen anything better in my entire life!

  10. The only thing that matters is prob that holy mackerel is dead, forever hopefully, I have turned way too many games around just because I had that double holy offer Before I died. An absolutely unfair card.

  11. Monstrous Macaw is fucking broken, look that ability… no way that's not broken…

  12. I guess the reason why Blizz took two months to release any single player content for this expansion was so that they could release two campaigns? Seems like they could’ve spaced it better.

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