FLURGL = ZERO TO HERO! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — The instant Flurfl explosion is my favorite part of Battlegrounds.
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48 thoughts on “FLURGL = ZERO TO HERO! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. I'm gonna need a psychologist after watching this unethical battlegrounds run so I can talk to them about the events that occurred during this game

  2. Don’t listen to Kripp when he says that Murlocs are very difficult to pull off, he just wants all of the Murlocs to himself

  3. Hilariously enough, my last 1st place with Frulgal was with a Dragon build. I got no murlocs until I was tier 5 — but I did get basically the nuts Dragons leading into an end game where I finally used the hero power to sale into battlecry after battlecry for the dragons lol.

  4. The problem with you doing this is that you've inspired literally every single 9k+ to smurf. I was at mid-6k and my opponents have all been way stronger than me in the last week, I've dropped 300 points.

  5. Every single YT highlight videos he's had to respond to smurfing criticism…umm maybe stop and play with people at your level then and stop sapping fun from newer players then? It's cowardly and he should be embarrassed

  6. How does Kripp not see opponents' in-game names but the hero names are displayed there?

  7. I played this guy 3 times, 2 of them were 3rd and 2nd place respectively with nearly no murlocs offered until too late and settling for mechs / dragons, playing with no hero power feelsbadman

    The other one was a crushing first place which was probably the most fun I had with Battlegrounds, when this hero goes off it’s the best thing ever lol

  8. i pick flurgl, gets no murlocs, thats my luck, oh, when i get murlocs, beast, demons, my key card gets sniped(warleader, packleader, juggler, baron) first hit after taunts, SNIPED

  9. That IRL content endorsement from Kripp makes it feel like a reality show. I never thought the day would come where there would be reality tv about people who play video games, play with their dogs, and cook vegan food.

  10. I can't believe this kind of unethical behavior is allowed on youtube.

  11. YouTube: uploaded 1 min ago in notification feed.
    Video: uploaded 6 hours ago
    Well done YouTube, well done

  12. The biggest problem with Flurgl is that every time you take him half the lobby goes murlocs just to fuck you over.

  13. Have you ever thought about doing a video putting each card of each tier into a rating….similar to fluffy or rhykker do with d3 builds, or some streamers do for warframes, etc…
    I've had my own ideas of what's better for what, but you've had differing opinions on some cards. Your insight on the cards potential, etc broken down like that might be beneficial to all players that watch you… just a thought…

  14. He only says Flurgl is bad so that nobody picks him. Which lets him force murlocs more often

  15. Worst build in the game. Boring as fuck to watch and play. Please remove Murlocs. Thank you Blizzard

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