Control Bomb Warrior is GREAT to climb in Standard Hearthstone! In this Hearthstone video, I play Vicious Syndicate Bomb Warrior Deck, and Blastmaster …
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Control Bomb Warrior is GREAT to climb in Standard Hearthstone! In this Hearthstone video, I play Vicious Syndicate Bomb Warrior Deck, and Blastmaster …
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The game is too saturated, its colors dont look like they do in-game. Its less than before tho. Also, i saw you cry on stream 😉
I'm here early, I always miss your streams 🙁
Great video man. I feel so bad, though adding Galakround, warrior is still hard to deal with HL hunter and druid. Maybe being aggro to rush them down is a better choice then control the board.
I can use this deck without Death Wing?
Mate, play the game for your viewers not for the wins. Try and have some fun with us! It's not that we care if you lose 1k ranks or so, seriously.
Sorry dude. Spell ramp druid right now is truly cancer, and I'm scared it'll get worse in a month.
I play my 'big boiz' druid sometimes, but it's much more fair / doesn't completely scam wins, though I have dropped an alex on turn 4 before (with satyr)
misplay against druid trading that 5-1into mountseller you could go face if you would play two minions whit risky skipper
Hey man i love your videos but recently it has been abit too saturated,,, i think it will be easier on the eyes if its back to normal