GEORGE = MANUAL MURLOCS - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Murlocs done the old fashion way!
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28 thoughts on “GEORGE = MANUAL MURLOCS — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. 14:20 Kripp demonstrates that he is unaware of the economic term "Sunk Cost Fallacy" War leader is a crap murloc to have a divine shield and instead of getting a potential megasaur at the cost of 1 divine shield (which given the cost of buying and selling a minion is only worth 1 gold) he chooses to keep the crap murloc which also fills a slot for a better murloc/bran

  2. The Mechano-Egg army did not fight for our overlord Mechano Kripperino this battle but we will be ready whenever called upon. Until then, we wait lying dormant in our eggs.

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  4. Krip I swear to god do something that isn’t murlocs. You’re a very good player and I’m trying to learn from you but I can’t because all you do is play murlocs.

  5. Kripp playin on a smurf account just so he can force murlocs every game.

  6. I rather see a build that doesn't get first place instead of always murlocs.

    You said you don't play constructed anymore because it's no fun anymore.

    Well guess what, playing murlocs in battlegrounds isn't fun either!

  7. Here's an idea, play for fun and experimentation. If you want to play dragons, just do it and try to do your best, even if the best is finishing 5th. Not caring about winning or high MMR will improve enjoyment, I promise. For example, I did a double Ghoul + triple Herald build the other day. Sure, I lost, but by god is was fun watching my dragon light up the board a few times.

  8. I honestly like George and he's in my top five heroes in terms of results according to my stats… he is insanely good with beasts, and deathrattle beasts is to me what murlocs are to Kripp. If you don't mind sacrificing three rolls to use your hero power early on then he becomes way better IMO.

  9. everytime bob asks me what my strategy is this time i always scream MURLOCS! at the screen

  10. Level 4 George at the mall: “Mom, I want that Megasaur! It’s so cool!
    The mom: “We already have a Megasaur at home, George”
    The Megasaur at home:

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