Golden Kangor's Deathrattle Comp - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Using Malygos hero power to find triples and get a good late game with golden Kangor’s Apprentice, golden Kaboom Bot and golden Mechano-Egg.

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11 thoughts on “Golden Kangor's Deathrattle Comp — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. My brother done this with triple spawn, ghoul + kaboom, kangors, selfless & barron. All golden apart from kangors. It clears boards then respawns you a full board of golden boom bots with the spawn buffs =D like the goldrin exodia but less beasts & more fire works.

  2. Bebe starting winning rounds again as soon as he sold the Hangry (it was in for 4 fights). The curse is real.

  3. Should I make a video about opening my hard earned 100 packs? Might this be a better video than what I normally show? Hehe…

    I bet you are not simply playing games 🙂

    Keep it up. Please try to cut the waiting time between each battle somehow. Thank you!

  4. So lucky to win (vs. 7 weak opponents)

    In my game, my opponents knew who was the first target. 😫

  5. Hey Bebe, your battle at 21:15 had a ton of deathrattle triggers + soul juggles. I was wondering if you had any insight on the trigger order of these events. From what I've observed, the order is always:
    1. "Take damage" effect triggers if the board has 6 or less minions
    2. The minion is then removed from the board
    3. The deathrattle triggers

    However, when there are multiple deathrattle minions dying simultaneously, what do you think about the trigger order? At 21:31, The boom bot hits and kills a voidlord, and the bot's deathrattle triggers first. Then the Voidlord summons 3 voidwalkers, and only afterwards do the soul jugglers start firing. Again at 22:04, the imprisoner hits the kaboombot, at which point the bot's deathrattle triggers visually first, and then the imprisoner summons a 1/1 imp. To me, this suggests there is a hard-coded priority for certain death triggers. Kaboombots go first, then deathrattles which summon trigger, then soul jugglers fire last. What are your thoughts?

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