HANDSOME RENO Saves The Day TWICE | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1572
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ES_Libertalia — Arc De Soleil
ES_Afternoon Fireworks — Duke Herrington
ES_Got Himself a Day Job — The New Fools
ES_Butterfly Chase — The Morning Report
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:31 — Moments
10:10 — Outro
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Blizzard: Announces option to turn off animations.
Kripp liked that.
3:24 Kawhi Leonard's laughter♥️
last video is amazing
No everyone shall suffer the feeling of getting your turn skip by plot twist or libram
The problem with turning off animations is both players would need them off, or things would get weird
1:48 man, that chair did a great kripp laugh impression
Comment question: if you could have 1 effect (nozdormu, noggenfogger, etc) last the whole game, what would it be?
Yes. Animations take too fuckin long
Comment question: do you want healing in battlegrounds?
Hearthstone deserves wayyy more attention
I just love the laughing sound everytime a Doomsayer gets summoned
Both a way to turn them off in menus and a way to speed them up mid game
the sound you make when you hit your toes to furnitures 3:24
I honestly love the animations. Like it’s always exciting to see a new animation on a card and it keeps the game really unique and chill 😀
As much as I love the animations, they should be skippable to allow for higher apm, especially in battlegrounds!
Not sure about turning off the animations but scaling them down a bit by Blizzard would be welcomed
QOTD: YES. ABSOLUTELY. They take too long and you can't get the combo out faster. It kills me
5:27 in France we Call that "une Tarserie" because this players name is Tars and he always do fail and combo like that
having the option to disable animations would never work because it gives an obvious advantage to that player who has more time to play cards during their turn. players shouldn't have to choose between card flavor and an advantageous mechanic.
The laughing is so cringey. Nerds are called nerds for a reason😒
Janet and Toast were so cute :c
why would i turn off the animations ?
the game would become so much more boring…
For the treehee game to be fair, it should be on screen the entire clip. I watched yesterday's video knowing the answer and still couldn't spot the little guy. If all of your viewers go blind from eye strain trying to spot treehee, it will hurt viewership. Just sayin
Comment question
Hell yes! There are cards every few expansion that have a stupidly long animation that eats into your turn time (animations shouldn't use up your turn time) and it makes the game frustrating to play. Remember the nozdormu bugs that allowed you to skip turns, remember shudderwock turn skips, all avoidable if the devs just sucked it up and let us skip animations.
faak miss toast