Having A Bad Day? HERE’S SOME MORE SALT! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1568
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ES_Extravaganza — Jules Gaia
ES_Mr Potato — Mike Franklyn
ES_God for a Day — Honeycutts
ES_Freaks at the Circus — Stationary Sign
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:28 — Moments
10:31 — Outro
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
I think spellburst is a pretty meh keyword to be honest, I feel like they'll make some OP cards with it, then they'll nerf them, and then spellburst will go the way of overkill
I like nostalgia clip of the day
More quote outro 😀
Can my comment go upside down and inverted in the next video?
Beat the algorithm. Spellburst will make me laugh and then make me cry. I am looking forward to it.
Could you bring back the little game where you hid the little tree somewhere in the video? I don't know for the others but I really liked it 🙂
Hemos sido bendecidos con la presencia del padre del value en este vídeo. Oremos.
At a glance, Spellburst feels a bit underwhelming. A delayed battlecry just doesn't feel very exciting or new. Patiently awaiting spoiler season though.
the cards that we’ve seen with Spellburst are just too weak in my opinion, it’s practically a battle cry that requires another card, so it needs to be a great effect for it to be worth two cards
I like Spellburst and how it’s a one time thing. Can’t wait to see more cards with this abilities
I feel for Ghost
If a rogue gets Diligent Notetaker, has five mana, shadowstep, and Vancleef… how big do you think they will be able to get him to before the timer runs out?
Comment Question: What do you guys think that the new announced game mode will be?
My arrival into Hearthstone left players speechless
For paladins, I was an early Christmas
My battlecry is quite vicious
Who am I?
is it sad that i remember most of the nostalgic clips?
More vintage clips please
Now player who starts with coin, has even bigger dvantage, speaking of spellburst.
I don't know if spellburst will fit against aggro decks ; the extra spell cost to activate makes it slow, but in the other hand it gives you the choice unlike battlecries …. wait and see
professor millhouse manastorm as a 4 mana 7/7 spellburst: your opponents spell costs 0 next turn.
Had my own little highlight yesterday.
Me as Spellmage vs Pirate Bomb Warrior.
I drew 1 Flameward 1 FrostArmor and with turn 7 I cleared his board,frostbolt to face with a Wrenchcalibur still up.
Turn 8. I draw bomb, down to 3 life, 2 more bombs in deck.
Deep freeze to face and then took 4 turns of not drawing a bomb clearing everything, freezing face and found lethal through that shield Weapon.
I just think that the spellburst mechanic plays too slow for the current meta and you won't get to pull it off that often
Spell burst is an interesting mix of battlecry and death rattle.
Is it just me or does she sound like a guy trying to do girl voice
6:31 I don't really know what's more painfull there the reroll or the order he was gonna play the minions
1:19 how about you read the card, Einstein?
Basarcos is the god of badluck.