scholomance academy — 50+ new cards were revealed recently, so let’s take a look and review them
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Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky
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[Всего голосов: 8 Средний балл: 4.5]
6:08 Card I'm happiest to see.
4:51 its not for Warlock, its for demon hunter and hunter
meta will be random fest
You better know im building a Spell Damage Mage.
Wave of Apathy+Shadow Word:Horror in Wild seems like a pretty legit one-sided board clear.
3:16 the robot 3 mana 1/4 i have the same effect
Thanks for not milking 5 plus minutes per card for each reveals
Quest shaman ability + shadderwok
Shaman is litteraly fucked again this expansion
But is he the greatest ogremancer?
This expansion is basically “ Oh I remember a similar card like this in the past”
Basically agree with all your opinions, but I think the Steward of scrolls is fine just for the fact of how important Spells are this set.
What minions can Demon Companion summon?
Holy shit divine rager might not be useless. Probably won't be played, but you don't hate yourself for getting one randomly!
Fishy flyer fucking died
They’re using super op cards as a ploy to get people back into the game
So much op stuff and yet, nothing for my big mage 🙁
Use brann and the new priest legendary that swaps decks and hands and you get a free deck.
Wait so wild priest basically gets 5 mana destroy enemy board?
Really annoyed with priest cards in this expansion
This is so stupid: there are a lot of cards that are very similar and a little bit better than cards from older expansions. Reaaally Blizzard, dont have any interesting, new ideas for commons?
Trick totem is my favorite card of the expansion. Cool
Why is shaman getting a dagger for a weapon when shaman doesn't use daggers?
3 manas 5/1 : I sleep
Divine shield : REAL SHIT
Definitely going to try beast hunter and totem shaman
I really , really , REALLY can't wait till u make a deck around that 1/1 hunter card .
Hope the vid will come out soon .
I hope hand druid is back with any luck shadow priest will be back or Pyro mage (because I'm tired of luck based decks sucking all fun out game by making me gamble on my enemy not get a good card)
(To new hearthstone players odds of mage get a good card is high because mage cards are really good) (RNG cards let them stack them with luck)
Those Paladin/Warrior cards are definitely something.
First expansion video: Wolpertinger is a bro.
For 2 mana 1/3 swap hand and deck. for 7 mana 3/3 COPY opponent hand, for 8 mana 5/5 swap deck and give opponent 5 mana swap decks. What a hell blizzard? Where balance? I dont see
the art work this expansion are horrible its for little kids like for ages 6-11 smh
This the longest version of waltz of the flowers I have ever heard👌
Hold up, if steward of scrolls 3:24 is in the game bring back Azure Drake
Nice another 0 mana 1/1 thank you blizzard
10 points to gryffindor
I love the rouge secret
These cards look like r/ customhearthstone in a nutshell
And there is no paladin studies?
Even pack filler cards are bonkers in this set
I play HS for 1 year and even I seea lot of flashbacks to a wild in these new cards( never played it directly, only in brawl). But still looks interesting
6:11 Have to have? u mean good to have?
Lake thrasher may be good with lackey decks cause you have the chance to give him rush and +1 attack at turn 6, and may work with all rush decks , that contains cards that can.give rush to your minions
Tour guide is good in odd paladin and odd mage