Hearthstone Arena Companion Setup - Hearth Arena Card Picker | Dekkster

Hello friends! I thought I’d make a video on how to set-up the Hearth Companion for Hearthstone Arenas. Hopefully this video helps you guys out and you start wrecking arenas! I’ll be uploading my arena video from this pretty soon 🙂

You can check it out here: http://www.heartharena.com

Video about the deck tracking overlay if you’d like to check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlm7T7YC0pI

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Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!

Hearthstone Arena Companion Setup — Hearth Arena Card Picker | Dekkster



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28 thoughts on “Hearthstone Arena Companion Setup — Hearth Arena Card Picker | Dekkster

  1. nice find there! it helps to a certain extend but it's still better to put some thought into picking the cards. but keep it up with your videos. it's helped me with my plays and hope i can get a higher rank than you soon 😛

  2. You picked hydra… rip your arena run bro… NEVER pick hydra in arena even if hearth arena says too… I use heartharena too but I sometimes choose differently

  3. it doesnt work for me it stays in the permanent state of authenticating and initializing data… I have hearthstone in german language but the app is in english may this cause the problem?

  4. If it says waiting for hearthstone go to setting then game settings then click advance line then type -dx9

  5. Waiting for you to start hearstone. even tho i started hearstone. closed started again, doesnt work what to do????

  6. It's not working for me, i don't understant why… just Overwolf don't detect my hearthstone maybe ? he is stuck on "Waiting for you to start hearthstone…." i already try to reboot hearthstone but nothing more happen

  7. Waiting for you to start Hearthstone.. Couldnt find solution. Anything helps. Thanks!

  8. This app helps me to play better.
    I'm normally very bad at arena , but now i know a little bit better what cards to pick from 3 of them and why.

  9. For those with the start hearthstone bug just uninstall the app and close your blizz app then re-download and install the companion app.
    Then just open the companion app 1st and then 2nd start up hearthstone again and it should work. I think having hearthstone running before
    it starts for the 1st time messes up some sort of ini/config files with the app.

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