Hearthstone Arena Coop #260: Warrior

ADWCTA and Merps get a Dragonqueen Alex and take this Warrior deck all the way to the end!

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8 thoughts on “Hearthstone Arena Coop #260: Warrior

  1. I agree Warrior is in a decent place right now. Had a 8 win run this saturday. My late game were 2 arcanite reapers and a stranglethorn tiger.

  2. Don't know if anyone keeps track anymore but this arena coop numbers five full years of arena coops. If you laid one out each week.

  3. I don't know, you seem to be focusing WAY too much on the curve for my taste, I'm not saying it doesn't matter, but I think you're weakening your deck for better curve picks way too early, like you said you were "desperatly in need of 3 drops" with this skybarge at pick 12. You're not even halfway through the deck and you're already trying to get the perfect curve. This is just my opinion and my playstyle ofc, but I'm surprised I so often disagree with your picks.
    Good call from Merps on the Dragon queen Alex pick though, with the best class in arena you don't need her to get cheesy wins, you'll weakens your deck too much by staying singleton (I would take 2 or 3 ganarg over 1 ganarg + alex everyday). Especially against an above average legendary.
    Good run still, and it's nice seeing a different playstyle.

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