(Hearthstone Battlegrounds) The Return of the Golden Scout

(Hearthstone Battlegrounds) Pyramad
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Music: Piano Sonata no. 17 in D minor ‘The Tempest’, Op. 31 no. 2 by Beethoven, performed by Paul Pitman


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23 thoughts on “(Hearthstone Battlegrounds) The Return of the Golden Scout

  1. It was all going well until you compared it to Teemo. That's a damn shame too I was starting to like the scout.

  2. The scout learned that there are things more important than victory
    Like the friends he made along the way

  3. Editing game files to gain an advantage is standard stuff. Tribes, Quake 3, Counterstrike 1.6. You have to get into the config files. 🍄🍄

  4. Kibler isn’t a fulltime battlegrounds player and I hard disagree with the sentiment that editing the game files to affect the animations or fps is cheating. Most games have a menu to edit those sorts of things and it should be expected that you can edit those things, so nobody should blame anyone for taking things into their own hands for blizzard failing to provide proper customization to the player. As a mostly bg player for the last few months I have to say if I played on PC I would do this 100% and not even feel the slightest bit bad about it

  5. Why would kibler be against fixing the frame rate? I mean the amount of lag is too common. The devs need to fix the animations. Fixing a broken game isn't cheating.

  6. people hacking the game to cheat still have less advantage than c users have over mobile users. the android app is a joke in battlegrounds. see any apm hero, nope not picking that!

  7. Murloc scout: I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you have any idea who you're talking to?

  8. The thing I find stupid about having to go into the game files to make the game unlock in FPS isn't the fact that it's basically cheating. (since everyone can do it, it's super easy, barely an inconvenience, and it's not counted as illegal or bannable by Blizzard, plus it should be a normal option in the game)
    What I find stupid IS THE FACT THAT IT'S NOT A REGULAR OPTION IN THE GAME. Blizzard, I know we all know you're just a small indie company, but what the fuck?
    Hearthstone, currently, in 20-fucking-20 has only few options in it's options menu. Probably the least options I've ever seen in any game done by a larger company. Is it THAT difficult to add an FPS cap option in the options? Or some other specific things? Like VSync? Rendering maybe? Borderless fucking Windowed mode???

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