(Hearthstone Battlegrounds) Patches the Pirate
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Music: Piano Sonata, No.31, A flat Major, Op. 110 by Beethoven, performed by Paul Pitman
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Only got 1st with patches once and it was with murlocs, the game really doesn’t give me pirates whenever I pick him, had a game where I saw my first pirate on 7 gold, crazy shit
This Hoggar apm build is the most fun in the game by a mile though, had a game with Reno where I got an early Hoggar, easiest hero power of my life, ended up with a 106/87 of that windfury guy lol
Btw amalgadon is a Piraten too cause you skip him all the time
That was the best battlegrounds final turn Ive ever seen.
I was just eating dinner when i saw the golden hoggers poggers combo.
That was the most delicious dinner i ever had.
riveting commentary … buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this, buy this, buy this, buy this, sell this. buy this, sell this.
it’s funny being subscribed to Kibler and Trump
Patches does seem like one of the more fun picks
I comment to help statistics
Kripps nightmare is Kiblers dream apparently
my god i never knew pirates could be this crazy.
Just imagine he was using Edwin van cleef hero. He could give at least +20/20 to a minion with that hero power. 😀
That last round of buying and selling was super intense. The look on Kibler's face really shows it.
This is it people, the greatest HS BattleGround Match ever. We’re done here.
That Korean Gosu micro on that last round tho.
I love APM pirates! Loved these plays 🙂
Patches is my favorite too! So much fun
So much better than your first priate game wp kibler
APM pirates- pretty sure that Kibler has played 10X more pirates in Battlegrounds than in his entire career in Standard
Congratulations man.
I wish my pirate games looked anything like this 😭
Love all the battleground videos! You and Dog are my favorite hearthstone creators and I love that y'all are making so many videos on this mode over standard.
Yours too? I thought it was only me, then Slyssa said it was hers and now i feel like a normie 🙁 hahahaha
Absolutely amazing.
I feel like kibler should put the pirates of the caribbean music in the background when he does high apm pirate buying frenzy in future youtube uploads
One of my coworkers steams and someone donated $5 for him to buy a coffee, he was so happy about that. It really is hard to be a casual streamer with a tiny audience, but he's not quitting to do it full time; one of the 'downsides' of being an adult with no fallback if you crash and burn 🙂
Damn that last turn was crazy
Pirates are your favorite comp? Is that why the village is on fire and there's an angry dragon in the background?
holy shit dude
Why Kibler Is My Favorite Hero:
Great run!
"I have 8 gold that I tipped Bob…" Never thought of it that way.
God-like APM
Why is he always talking about salad? I dont get it …. weird
You have the best editing out of all of the yt hearthstone streamers.
12:05 Golden Hogger means every pirate is essentially free (three gold to buy, two from hogger, one from sell), so that's basically three free buffs on the looter (along with +2 attack on every pirate) and you'd only really be at a net loss of one gold to roll into a new board. Though it's also a last-second call, so your reasoning is valid.
I love APM pirates
I really need a golden Hogger
Universe: Say no more
Other decks: “Reroll all 10 times, can’t find wincon, wish timer was over”
Pirate deck: “Every pirate is a wincon, not enough time”
Kibler playing Patches: "Oh, look a Pirat. Oh and another one…"
Me playing Patches: "Murloc, Beast, Mech… Murlo,Beast,Mech…"
Definitely no Boomer APM here, just boomer computer graphics that can't keep up. Fyi Amalgadon counts as a pirate, I noticed you skipped buying it.
This level of APM is like the polar opposite of watching Trump play pirates.
Kripp needs to take some serious notes on APM here