This Hearthstone video pokes fun at the logic of some Hearthstone Cards by pointing out the lucky & funny moments that some of the cards in the game produce. This Episode — The Knife Juggler
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Best thing i've seen in a while. Cudos bro!
This is some cool shit, nice vid
dat random )
Just throwin' my knives man! It's what I do!
hey its jackie from RCday! You weren't kidding! Nice vid!
Mind if i roll subscribe? 🙂
i liked it im looking forward for another video
Everytime i watch this and i've seen it about 4-5 times, i laugh everytime especially at the "I'm throwin' mah knives man, that's what I do!" line. Nice work!
Why allow 'shit ' then bleep the next curse?!
This game is all about luck
hence why i avoid cards with random functions.
''Helloo'' totally killed me 😀
1,56 %
Brilliant, had me giggling
What does he say when you play him ? Put the what on your head ? xD
I was expecting the last dagger to hit one of the Abusive Sergeants. That would have been pretty funny. Oh well. 🙁
haha funny 😀 pls more videos like this.
My best Knife Juggler moment had to be when a Noble Sacrifice proc caused Knife Juggler to throw a knife into a high-damage minion that only had one health left. It was a friendly LAN game, so I got to hear his dismay at the zaniness in person! 😉
So true
do a tinkmaster, or nat paggle trying to fish for a card hahahaha 😀 love the video!
Hahahahahaha…. Knife Juggler is a troll!
LOL. I once had a knife Juggalo out and my opponent played leroy. The knives from the 2 whelps both hit Leroy … bye bye!
hahahaha … the best XD !!!
So funny.. cool video.
Quote of the day "I'm Throwin mi Knife!!!"
Alway, alway me
Um… they don't call him 'knife juggler ' for nothing. I imagine he's just juggling and randomly hitting stuff, not paying attention at all to the battle.
Expected the last knife to go sideways and hit the Abusive Sergeant in the face. "He SAID hit anything but the 3/3!"
Knife Juggler always worked for me…
That Ragnaros scrub though… always aim for the 2/1 minion
Pretty much my Knife Juggler EVERY GAME, he is always drunk
Brought here by Firebat #ThreeManMassage
gah this brings back bad memories
Abusive sergeant to Sympathetic sergeant to disappointed sergeant
These series are pure gold!