#Hearthstone #WildSecretMge #WildDeck Hey guys, check out my latest Hearthstone DeckTech. Wild Secret Mage 2020…
19 thoughts on “Hearthstone Deck Introduction: ETK Mage.”
I call it interactive mage.
All of us are waiting for the promised Meta Snapshot which was supposed to be released on sunday april 9th. You should use your time to bring us the promised content and not to present a single deck… Realy disappointing.
Meta Snapshot please ! Otherwise, good work guys
You say no limitations/counters like te old combo decks, but you forgot about Dirty Rat!!
It's not necessary to dedicate over half the screen to graphics that are completely irrelevant throughout the whole video.
"on the up side you don't need to run fireball and frostbolt" what are you talking about these cards are among the best cards in the game… does the people who make this video just collect data or do they play the game themselves? because this all sounds like some r10 netdecking gibberish to me
Where is metasnapshot? You promised you would release it on 9-th April.
the druid is dying now,blizzard gotta save him
Exoida PogChamp
Rank 14 Tempo Storm LUL
WTF is this OurMine?
they hacked this?
ETK is a stupid name. Just call it Quest Mage dumbasses.
mage decks are for idiots… Doesnt requiere any typ of skill.. Just wait till you get the fucking card.. and the enemy loses the game… Everyone who plays this deck should be ashamed.. Have a nice day everyone,… except the people who are copying this deck… Try to make your own deck iditos ^^
the antonidas combo has no damage limitations, sure, but it can be countered just like anyfin paladin or malygos decks, etc. all you have to do is play dirty rat late in the game. unless they're a really smart player they're bound to end up playing out their non-combo minions, and by the time they assemble the full combo and complete the quest, dirty rat is almost guaranteed to ruin the combo because 3 of the combo pieces are minions and it doesn't work without all 3. if you remove any of the 3 then you win unless you're really low on hp and pull an apprentice, bc you can still die to 2 or 3 fireballs. and if you remove antonidas their entire win condition is gone and their sorceror's apprentices and molten reflections do absolutely nothing. it does more damage than anyfin paladin or malygos combos but it's honestly more vulnerable to being countered. malygos only has one key minion that they absolutely rely on, and it's a lot easier for those decks to hold onto some minions to improve the chances of dirty rat failing to pull malygos. anyfin, on the other hand, is only countered by transform & steal effects, which are only accessible by certain classes are very limited in the neutral set. the deck only exists in wild now so technically speaking any class can build a deck with tinkmaster overspark, sylvanas, and mind control tech and hope to get super lucky. but generally speaking these cards are uncommon, and only a small number of decks will actually have cards like hex, poly and entomb. the other counter to anyfin paladin is just playing your own murlocs which don't have charge or buff effects, so i suppose anyfin paladin is pretty hard countered by quest shaman and midrange murloc pally. but even with all the potential ways you can counter anyfin can happen (the 10 mana spell itself), either by diluting it with bad murlocs or by preventing the good murlocs from actually dying, anyfin paladin still has backup win conditions in the form of some really strong 8-drops. if your opponent gets a really strong counter you still have a chance of winning, whereas if antonidas gets dirty ratted the rest of the cards in your hand become super weak and your only chance of winning is to just get a ton of randomly generated burn spells. i think it also comes down to dirty rat just being super common in the meta now too.
I just call it AIDS.
Just saying, etk sounds much dumber than any other name for the deck.
I call it interactive mage.
All of us are waiting for the promised Meta Snapshot which was supposed to be released on sunday april 9th. You should use your time to bring us the promised content and not to present a single deck…
Realy disappointing.
Meta Snapshot please !
Otherwise, good work guys
You say no limitations/counters like te old combo decks, but you forgot about Dirty Rat!!
It's not necessary to dedicate over half the screen to graphics that are completely irrelevant throughout the whole video.
"on the up side you don't need to run fireball and frostbolt" what are you talking about these cards are among the best cards in the game… does the people who make this video just collect data or do they play the game themselves? because this all sounds like some r10 netdecking gibberish to me
Where is metasnapshot? You promised you would release it on 9-th April.
the druid is dying now,blizzard gotta save him
Exoida PogChamp
Rank 14 Tempo Storm LUL
WTF is this OurMine?
they hacked this?
ETK is a stupid name. Just call it Quest Mage dumbasses.
mage decks are for idiots… Doesnt requiere any typ of skill.. Just wait till you get the fucking card.. and the enemy loses the game… Everyone who plays this deck should be ashamed.. Have a nice day everyone,… except the people who are copying this deck… Try to make your own deck iditos ^^
the antonidas combo has no damage limitations, sure, but it can be countered just like anyfin paladin or malygos decks, etc. all you have to do is play dirty rat late in the game. unless they're a really smart player they're bound to end up playing out their non-combo minions, and by the time they assemble the full combo and complete the quest, dirty rat is almost guaranteed to ruin the combo because 3 of the combo pieces are minions and it doesn't work without all 3. if you remove any of the 3 then you win unless you're really low on hp and pull an apprentice, bc you can still die to 2 or 3 fireballs. and if you remove antonidas their entire win condition is gone and their sorceror's apprentices and molten reflections do absolutely nothing. it does more damage than anyfin paladin or malygos combos but it's honestly more vulnerable to being countered. malygos only has one key minion that they absolutely rely on, and it's a lot easier for those decks to hold onto some minions to improve the chances of dirty rat failing to pull malygos. anyfin, on the other hand, is only countered by transform & steal effects, which are only accessible by certain classes are very limited in the neutral set. the deck only exists in wild now so technically speaking any class can build a deck with tinkmaster overspark, sylvanas, and mind control tech and hope to get super lucky. but generally speaking these cards are uncommon, and only a small number of decks will actually have cards like hex, poly and entomb. the other counter to anyfin paladin is just playing your own murlocs which don't have charge or buff effects, so i suppose anyfin paladin is pretty hard countered by quest shaman and midrange murloc pally. but even with all the potential ways you can counter anyfin can happen (the 10 mana spell itself), either by diluting it with bad murlocs or by preventing the good murlocs from actually dying, anyfin paladin still has backup win conditions in the form of some really strong 8-drops. if your opponent gets a really strong counter you still have a chance of winning, whereas if antonidas gets dirty ratted the rest of the cards in your hand become super weak and your only chance of winning is to just get a ton of randomly generated burn spells. i think it also comes down to dirty rat just being super common in the meta now too.
I just call it AIDS.
Just saying, etk sounds much dumber than any other name for the deck.