Paladin is back on top of the Hearthstone meta and one of its latest deck lists takes advantage of Murlocs to overwhelm their opponents.
Script: Ignatiushs —
VO: Sam Benson —
Video Editor: Taylor Adams —
Asset Developer: JJ Perez
Producer: John Price
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Tempo Storm is a professional esports organization featuring some of the best players and casters in Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, The Fighting Game Community (FGC), FiFA, Overwatch,and World of Warcraft. Founded by Reynad, Tempo Storm has grown from a Hearthstone only organization to having a strong presence in a myriad of competitive esports scenes under his guidence.
This channel focuses on helping Hearthstone players develop deck building skills, game sense, as well as providing funny Hearthstone related content. Featuring guides, deck techs, and general strategies for Hearthstone this channel also has Videos on Demand (VODS) of professional gaming tournaments as well.
notification squad assemble
Can you guys cover Salt Shaker Death Knight? Been seeing it a lot at Rank 5 in wild.
Hey TempoStorm, can you stop lying to yourself and put Elemental Shaman in high Tier 2. It has great matchup against every aggro and some other decks too. It is one of the few decks that actually has a >50% positive win rate unlike many other decks on the ladder. Just because you're mad at Shaman being top tier for so long doesn't mean that you can just put him in the shit tier because you feel like it.
Moar Pally stats please!
Boi that midrange version is one heck of an expensive deck though.
Anyone tell me why Bluegill isn't in the Aggro Variant?
This deck is cancerous and annoying to queue against.
how to counter pirate aggro with this deck?
Fucking cancer, hope deck will get nerfed soon
This deck is the bane of my fun with insane boards on turn 3 (tidehunter + war leader), any way a slow miracle priest can win?
I watch these to remind myself that the meta used to be way worse