Hearthstone Deck Tracker Setup - Track Your Deck's Cards AND Your Stats! | Dekkster

Here’s a Hearthstone Deck Tracker setup guide! Hopefully you guys find this helpful.

Link to Hearthstone Deck Tracker: https://hsdecktracker.net/

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This video will show you how to setup the Hearthstone Deck Tracker which is a great tool that adds an overlay to your game and tracks which cards you have left to draw as well as which cards your opponent has drawn.

Song: Ship Wrek, Zookeepers & Trauzers — Vessel [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/PXf4rkguwDI
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Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!

Hearthstone Deck Tracker Setup — Track Your Deck’s Cards AND Your Stats! | Dekkster



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46 thoughts on “Hearthstone Deck Tracker Setup — Track Your Deck's Cards AND Your Stats! | Dekkster

  1. what does the 6/6 or 14/14 mean ? im going crazy here and I can't google an answer.

  2. How to make the hstracer window smaller? Mine covering almost all of the screen. How to make it like yours?

  3. Hey, my overlay will only show when it's unlocked, when I lock it, it disappears… I'd like to be able to use it without everything having a blue tint to it… any ideas?

  4. Is this all still accurate? I am just looking into trackers now. Thanks for the how to.

  5. How do I show only my decks in collection? Because the deck tracker is also showing decks that are premade by hearthstone

  6. Why does my game say error. plz wait a few minute after i download the deck tracker.

  7. How does one disable the feature that tracks what turn the opponent drew a card? I can't figure it out for the life of me.

  8. Any way to show what turn you are on? I have looked everywhere and don't see it. Seems so silly not to add such a simple thing as a turn counter. I like to see how close I am to a draw of 45 turns when playing warrior control mirror match.

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