(Ashes of Outland Standard) 2 games: Highlander Paladin VS Warlock, Highlander Druid VS Demon Hunter
Deck Code 1: AAECAZ8FHvoB3APPBvoGrwePCd0Kg6EDoKEDxaED/KMDt6wDh64DiK4DkK4DoK4D+a4D6rADkbEDjbYDlrYDyrgD+7gD/LgD/bgD67kD174D3r4DysEDw8wDAAA=
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Music: Violin Sonata in A major, D. 574 I. Allegro moderato by Schubert, performed by Oliver Colbentson
To The person who is reading this:🎁
You’re amazing stay blessed, stay safe and I hope your dreams comes true one day💘
My Dream is to have 35k. I been struggling to get there
first woo
3:07 "SMORC! Yes!"
I see Kibler also enjoys the fine things in life.
And then the anti-Smorc in the next game to complete the circle.
Wait, why no shadowflame the Zephyr, then have a 5/2 on board.
Man Kibler is levelling up. Dragon Master AND SmOrcmaster
Kibler's uncanny luck and super genius make great things happen.
Kibler is becoming more and more like Trump, pushing all these singleton decks
Can’t go wrong with the SmOrc.
We need a paladin version of the smorc song. "I shall valiantly go face! Dare you play a taunt, cur? By the light I shall still go face!"
I ls don't use music this heavy on the violin. It litteraly hurts my ears. So this is one im Gonna skip sadly. Love the classical music normally but violin and mobile speakers just doesn't jive..
Not gonna lie, his hair is graying nicely. Reminds me of Tirion for some odd reason.
Twice the pride,
Double the fall
Can someone explain why he mulliganed Elise and kept whelp Elise seems wayyy better
You could’ve shadowflamed the Zephirs and traded the Elise for two more attack
Can't wait to see constructed after you get the super sleuth hands on it in the expansion. If Trump is mayor of value town Kibler must be mayor of single-to(w)n
Double your pleasure with double mint gum
I think you should kick your highlighter, dude
Dh players are so innocent dang
Kibler and highlander decks name a more iconic duo.
Why not shadowflame the zephyros?
5 mana 5/5 draw 5 remove the highlander downside, not bad
more fights with de highlander paladin